Author Posts

January 14, 2017 at 12:57 am

This is a practical case study of a incident which I have undergone today and which is related to a post I had shared in some groups where I had a shared an article of a post which I saw in my friends group day before yesterday of History Tv18 regarding the topic of death and rebirth and the processes involved.


I am also sharing this particular article of mine written now again with those groups too where I had shared the  article about death and rebirth and the process in between as per Hindu religion and many of the people in those groups showed a keen interest on the topic of death and the life after before rebirth in the next cycle. And I was responding to the replies and the remarks and queries of different group members and went to sleep late night.


But today morning I got a shocking and  a sad news  that my dear face book friend and an avid wildlife conservationist and nature lover from whose group post I saw the article posted by him about death and rebirth and had shared the same with other groups who were debating about it. But now my face book friend is no more now today. This proves the saying life is full of surprises and always expect the unexpected.


The earlier night just a few hours back he was responding to my remarks in posts with likes and his point of view about different topics in the post. He had suffered a heart attack and passed away in the early hours of today. I pray for  his soul to rest in peace and his works for conserving wildlife will always be remembered. A person who always encouraged others to help wildlife and was supportive of people in that effort.


I have known him on face book since more than four years and had regular communication with him on subjects which he was working on. He was a great team leader and member to work with. My condolences to his family members in this hour of grief. May God give them the strength to get over the situation they are faced with.


But here is the most important part of what I want to tell. There are many questions lingering unanswered in my mind as I write this piece. First and foremost, I really do not know what made my face book friend choose that post just a few hours before his untimely death as he was not very old and post it in his group and then for me to take the threads about the topic and repost the same in different groups where again a lot of people were seriously discussing, sharing, writing remarks, adding videos, you tube, by which time in a few hours of time gap my face book friend  passed away. Was it a mere coincidence or were the whole chain of events supposed to happen the way they did, were they preordained. This whole sequence is a puzzle.


This shows how uncertain life is and how bad times are. I am fortunate that even though I have never met him personally, I was in touch with him online and we were working on a common goal of conservation and protecting wildlife and nature which we are particular and passionate about and contribute in our own ways.


The lesson I have learnt once again  from this incidence is, always keep in touch with family, relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors, online friends and acquaintances and people in general. Do not take any relationship however it may be going, in whatever stage it is, either up, down, normal, status quo, or somewhat irregular for granted. Respect relationships for what they are, as individuals who we know and interact with regularly are to be valued.


I at least feel I was doing this till the last without knowing what was going to happen next. And I feel fortunate that I did such a thing. As we observe, generally it is human nature that as life gives us something we tend to start taking it or  them for granted. This is certainly is one more eyeopener for me and a remainder and I am sure readers would also agree about this with me. As for my friend he would never send a post on face book now ever again.


But I cherish happy memories about the interaction and activities which we shared about the topic of our interest. The glue for our friendship was conservation and wildlife which we both were interested in and there was a connect between us. But this one thought still linger’s in my mind as to why he posted that one particular post in his history group about death and the process before rebirth. This also proves that relations can also be made without meeting one face to face from a long distance.


I have many questions staring at me and very few answers, which I have to analyze about this topic and find an answer. As there are many other personal incidents in my life which occured between me and my elderly family members and others who I know. I am surprised at the  variety with which such events occur and each time in a different situation, a different time, a different context and  a different place.


Hope this has set your mind thinking about the issues discussed and this one  case study, out the many faced by me  presented for you to understand. This has set me thinking into finding some answers which I certainly will. But I am sure even you will start thinking about what I discussed above and introspect about it and find your own answers as something similar would have been experienced by you even in your life. This is required as we humans are evolved and can think about death the processes in between and after before being reborn again or an event which occurs beyond that. This is food for thought.    





January 18, 2017 at 11:41 pm

Sorry about the loss of your face book friend. Death is so painful yet inevitable in everyone’s life . No one ever wants to see their loved one die, but because we were all meant to die at some point in ourselves we cannot escape it.
I have oftenly asked myself this question do people know when they are going to die? Because coincidentally when people die you will always hear others say of what they did before they pass on, and when you listen to the syories it just seems like they were just preparing for the time. Its annoying but i guess thats the way.
Like the other day my niece just lost her 4month old baby, and when she narrates her story its like the baby was preparing her for his absence. She says that whenever she did her devotion the baby would be quiet by her side even when she prayed, he would be silent. When she sung he would just make noises as if he was singing along. Little did she know that this special yimes would not last very long. She also remembers pushing her husband to get a birth certificate for the child but he was kind of reluctant its like the baby was saying stop bothering him because i will not be needinv it anyway. So i believe that sometimes death just leads people to do certain things.

January 19, 2017 at 12:16 am

Thank you for appreciating and understanding about my face book friend and my situation. I really feel bad after hearing what you told here. I also have met parents who lost their only child. If you look at them you feel like that there is a big void in their lives which cannot be filled easily. It does take such people a lot of time to get over the event especially the mother. As time is a great healer hope things settle down for them and good days will soon visit them again. No doubt this particular loss cannot ever be replaced. If you meet them again or speak to them convey my condolences. Even though I do not know them I felt like I should convey this to them through you. Thanks for the sad but very useful insight you provided. Best wishes and regards.