Author Posts

December 5, 2016 at 2:42 pm

The rain forests of Australia are one of the very few ecosystems which are left in the world. Makatea Atoll is a veritable Noah’s Ark of nature. Its pristine ecosystems and unique plant and animal life make the tiny island a biodiversity hotspot of French Polynesia. Makatea is the last remaining habitat of endangered species such as the Polynesian imperial pigeon and many other species of flora and fauna on the brink of extinction.

How that could soon be history is because  an Australian company wants to mine phosphate on the island for the production of synthetic fertilizer which is a virtual deathknell for this paradise. If you want to you can do your bit by  signing petitions of the organisations which are fighting to preserve the ecosystem.  All can surely  stand with organissations fighting  against this looming disaster.


December 6, 2016 at 12:20 pm

I can say, only the people in the Australian country needs to have a petition for that activity that other Australian company is planning. It is the nature who are involve here.

As we can see around us, there are few, or worst, none natural ecosystem. We must protect those one or two natural ecosystems we have in this world. The government of Australia have the biggest part in fighting that unnecessary plan of ruining their own ecosystem.

December 6, 2016 at 12:43 pm

Agree with your view that the Australian government should take the lead in this case as any government in the world should as it is the planet earth which gets damaged.