Author Posts

April 27, 2017 at 1:30 pm

Homo sapiens is the binomial
nomenclature for the only
extant human species. Homo
is the human genus, which
also includes Neanderthals and many other
extinct species of hominid; H. sapiens is the only
surviving species of the genus Homo. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Homo sapiens
Lifespan: 79 years
Rank: Species
Speed: 45 km/h (Maximum)
Higher classification: Humans
Height: Male: 1.7 m, Female: 1.6 m

April 27, 2017 at 10:40 pm

Human Character
Easy Is To Judge The Mistakes Of Others, Diffifult Is To Recognise Our Own Mistakes
Easy Is To Hurt Someone Who Loves You. Difficul Is To Heal The Wound
Easy Is To Set Rules, Difficult Is To Follow Them.
Easy Is To Dream Every Night, Difficult Is To Fight For A Dream
Easy Is To Say We Love, Difficult Is To Show It Every Day,
Easy Is To Make Mistakes, Difficult Is To learn From Them

_______ __
Smooth Road Never Make Good Drivers, Smooth Sea Never Make A Good Sailer,
Clear Skies Never Make Good Pilot,problem Free Life Never Makes A Strong And Good Person, Have A Tough But Winning Day Ahead, Be Strong Enough To Accept The Challenges Of Life.

Is Better To Cry Than To Be Angry,
Because Anger Hurts Others While Tears Flow Silently Through The Soul And Cleanses The Heart

Human Being Work For Applause, Instead Of Working For Cause, They Live To Impress, Instead Of To Express. Don,t Strive To Make Our Presence Notice, Just Make Your Absense Felt, There,s A Luxury In Self Reproach,. Knows Better

April 27, 2017 at 10:54 pm

Everyone Feel That No One Else Has A Right To Blame Us. It,s The Confession Not The Priest That Gives Us Absolution,
Human Are Fond In Accepting Others Definition Of Life,, It,s Your Life , Define It Yourself, The Way You Love It To Be, Be Yourself Because None Knows About You Better Than You. , As Persistence Is The Twin Sister Of Excellence, One Is A Matter Of Quality, The Other A Matter Of Time,
Life Is Not An I-pod To Listen Your Favourite Songs, It,s A Radio You Must Adjust Yourself To Enjoy Whatever Comes In It. , The Most Important Ingredients In The Formula Of Success Is Performing Consistently, Be Straight Forward,, , It Almost Occur That When You Believe Someone Deeply, Misunderstanding Arises But Don,t Feel For It, Because Some Misunderstanding Are Needed For Good Understanding, It,s A Secreat,,

Those Who Do more
Then They’re Paid For,are Always Sought For Their Services. Their Name And Work Outlive Them And They Always Command D Highest Price, Chase ur Passion Nt Pension

May 9, 2017 at 5:06 pm

Human Being Are The Best Out Of The Creatures,
We Are Created To Lead The Rest Of The Creatures, Be It The Lower Animal Or Plant Species.
It Even Happens In A Situation Whereby Human Being Are Superior To Other Fellow Human Being, This Is Because Allah Has Created Us Not Be Equal.
Even If Everyone Is Equal, It Will Seem Bad Just Because,
*it Is When We Are Not Equal We Get Our Daily Needs Easilx
*it Is When We Are Not Equal We Know The Worth Of Allah
*it Is When We Are Not Equal We Help Ourselves,
What Now Happens In A Situation Where Human Being Is Wicked The His Fellow Human Being?
*this Is Because The Wicked Being Is Not Grateful
*this Is Because The Wealth Accumulate By The Riches Is Being Compiled In Illegal Way
Human Being As Mentioned Above Should Be Grateful And Should Learn And Develop A Heart Of Compensation And Appreciation
It Is When You Appreciate You Help The Needy And Give Charity
It Is When You Appreciate You Worship Regularly
It Is When You Appreciate You Are Contented With What You Hav

May 9, 2017 at 6:10 pm

Very nice, worth to emulate, keep up the good work.Words presented here tell about what to do best for humans.

May 9, 2017 at 11:56 pm

Don’t be pulled dowN by your burden
Being overweight affects my heart in multiple ways
including giving me higher blood pressure, a higher
risk of diabetes, more inflammation occurring in my
body, and less protection. Obese patients usually
have lower activities levels, lower exercise capability
and lower protective cholesterols such as HDL.
Because the blood sugars are usually higher and the
insulin levels are usually higher in overweight
patients, even if they do not have diabetes, they tend
to have a worse prognosis.
The good news is by losing weight we can reduce
our blood pressure, inflammation, and our risk for
diabetes. Even if we have diabetes we can lower the
risk associated with it by getting our weight down.
The exciting news is that in some people who have
diabetes and are overweight, the diabetes will go
away once their ideal body weight is reached. This is
a valuable goal for all of us.

May 10, 2017 at 6:18 pm


November 5, 2017 at 6:36 pm

Interesting information about different facets of life and human relationships with the outside world. Keep up the good work.  There are many minute things to be discovered. Introspection helps us in this process. Best wishes and regards.