College Degree vs In Demand Jobs
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When you took your course in College, was it your choice or was it chosen for you? Now that you have finished your degree, do you think that taking a job related to yourcourse will help you and your family? Or would you rather take time to learn what is in demand today? True enough, sometimes the course we take in College gets taken for granted because there are other job opportunities that does not relate to what you have studied. Just like me, I took up dentistry, but found love in writing and doing other stuff.
My course in college is applicable to my job now |
Good fof you Angelwings! I guess I did not think so much about my future back then coz when I wasnt allowed to take the course I wanted, I just chose a course that can give me a title of a doctor. |
I studied Telecommunication Engineering at first, then I found out that I was not so interested in becoming an engineer and working in my country. So, I changed my course to Information Technology, as I was more interested in programming and designing the program. (These were all my own choices)
I am glad I made the change, as I really enjoy working as a programmer. |
I am happy for you. IT has become a real big thing nowadays. Lucky for you to be in that field. |
There were many people studying IT because it was popular, some did not really like it, but followed the trend or being forced by the parents. I am really glad that I studied IT and enjoy doing the work, as it allows me to quit my office job and take care of my children at home, while still doing some freelance programming jobs. I understand not all the professions allow to work from home. |
You are indeed lucky. Being a mom did not stop you from doing whst you love as well as help put food on the table |
I have a college degree, but it has nothing to do with my many jobs throughout my life. When I was younger, my dream was in lala-land, and I thought I can make a living as an artist or a novelist. I am not that lucky, so I think on demand job is better for some, which worked out beautifully for my oldest son! |
Yes, I always think I am really blessed of that. Besides programming, I thought of becoming a teacher or writer when I was young. Though I am not a professional writer, I am glad I can now write casually in these sites, and also earn a little bit money. I am also homeschooling my children, so I consider myself as a home educator now. It seems like now I am doing all the jobs I have been dreaming for: mother, programmer, teacher and writer. @icybc I guess we will always find the way which is suitable to us. Glad that something works beautifully for your oldest son. What is he doing now? |
You are right, @icybc sometimes we just need to take our wants a step backward because taking care of the family’s needs should be prioritized. |
I’m a graduate nurse but I wasn’t able to practice. But looking at it now – my degree actually only helped me stay employed. I’ve been malemployed ever since but because I graduated a 4 year course my employer is not quick to terminate my employment unlike those who only had vocational courses or have not gone to college at all. It’s sad actually cause without the degree we’d be on the same boat, right? The only thing I see useful these days is computer knowledge and communication. If you have both you can survive. |
I studied computer science and multimedia, got a diploma at age 30. I didn’t have the chance to further my studies at age 18 because I had to work 3 jobs per day in order to feed my family of 4. Hence, I managed to continue my studies with my hubby at age 30, while working . We chose computer course because it was related to our jobs too. |
I graduated as BS Chemistry. I love Science and Chemistry specifically during High school. I got my scholarship after graduating high school and DOST or Department of Science and Technology in my country granted me the scholarship but told me to have Chemistry as my course. Unfortunately, I am a procurement specialist as of this moment. I able to use my course whenever I am checking the COA or Certificate of Analysis of certain raw materials and chemicals. I also know the chemical reaction of some chemicals, but I am not a chemist that works in the laboratory.
At least you still get to do something that you have kearned about. |
@peachpurple I always think it’s not easy to study and work at the same time. It really needs discipline and perseverance to do that, and hard work as well. Good that you were doing it together with your husband, so both of you can motivate each other. So, are both your husband and you work in IT firm? Were your son already born at that time? @grecy095 Then I think you are gaining quite a lot from your Chemistry course, which is good that you can also apply them in real life. |
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