Any Good News you want to share?
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@kaka135 thanks for the concern sis. Right now, my good news is that I am here in the site. I remember to sleep before working online so that I do not feel irritated and sleepy. I am glad I able to get some sleep and wake up on the time I want to wake up. I need to reply to some mentions as there are lots already. Another good news, though I am not thoroughly happy on my new job because I miss my dog all the time and the company is too far from our house, I get to managed to survived somehow. Later, it will be my 4th day and one day to go is Friday so good news, woot woot, another two days of less congested experience of travelling and learning. Another good news, the people on my new job is quite friendly. They are working professionally and passionate, though I only have some few friends, like 5, my batchmate on the orientation. I am glad they are the kinds of people I would love to be with. Thanks to God for hearing my prayers. I don’t have some good experiences with people on my previous job, that is why I compared it.
Another good news, it is raining. Actually, it did rain yesterday that is why it became cooler somehow, what I don’t like was the feeling of being stuck in traffic. |
Good news, is you’re hear @grecy095!! Another good news, I have 2 of the grand kids for 2 weeks!! Kind of nervous about it, as they live in town and have friends there, here there is really nothing. We do have a park though, so good news i sI’ll be posting about what we’re doing!! lol |
@grecy095 I can imagine how tiring it is to travel so far to work. I used to spend 3-4 hours on the road including the traffic jam when I worked in office, as it’s far from my house and the company was in the city center. Hope you will get to enjoy your weekend, with some good rest too. Good that you have met some nice friends, and the people there are professional and passionate. I think you will be able to learn some good knowledge from them. I enjoyed working with those who are passionate about their job. It’s good to hear there’s raining. Here in my country, I think the hot weather has left us, as we have more rains now. Hope it will not be so hot in your country too. @4cryingoutloud That sounds fun to have 2 grandkids with you later. Perhaps they will enjoy a different life style with you. You are staying in village, right? I am not sure about your grandkids, but I think most kids like to go to the park and have fun! Hope you will enjoy spending time with them, and get more good and nearer jobs too! |
Being forever in the attitude of gratitude every moment seems to me to be good news although adverse things do get lined up. My ability to look at the positive side of life helps me to look at life this way. |
I got a good night’s sleep for the first time last night in about 4 months! New medication worked |
@4cryingoutloud you will have your 2 grandkids for 2 weeks, wow, I know it will be pretty exciting since children makes us laugh and happy, all the time, even though they move a lot. I will keep on praying for that. Ir really hope that when you started working, work will pick up and continuous. Can you afford 3 types of job in a day, or 3 cleaning assignment, different home? You must be very hard working sissy but I know you really want to earn so I will pray for more earnings to you. @kaka135 that is why I get tired sissy. I will just sleep because I feel I need to rest. I can’t sleep inside the vehicle because there are lots of bad people that will snatch things on you. Our place is not safe. I need to always alert and awake while in the vehicle no matter how I get tired. @bestwriter you have the attitude that you are reflecting positivity with people. No question ask about your attitude. That is really good news! Thanks for being here. @lolaze sissy that is really a good news. Medication is now working and you get some sleep. I love it! |
@Grecy Garcia My good news is similar to yours. Today was the counting day in 5 Indian states and my favorite party won one of the states election and opened account in many others which was never happened in the past. @Lee Ka This one is especially for you, I read your post in another site and appreciate it ( I even mentioned my concern there) |
@sunil congratulations to your party, for sure it will keep a smile on your face. I am happy for you. And it was not happened in the past, really a good news huh!
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