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March 5, 2017 at 4:46 am

I was browsing my facebook a while ago and these sayings catch my attention. It really is an inspiring message. Β πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

“Right actions in the future is the best apology for the wrong actions in the past.
Every saint has it’s past
And every sinner has a future.”


March 5, 2017 at 11:47 am

Very nice and ture statement.we are human and we all do mistakes,learning from our mistakes and not repeating them in future is the best way to grow.

March 5, 2017 at 12:41 pm

I love this quote. It explains a lot of things about us. I am sure this quote means a lot to many people who are struggling everyday to make money. I wonder how many people are learning from their past mistakes. I guess future is something we build from our present. And we have to take steps that helps us get more ahead. It would be interesting to learn from past. But we have to keep the past where the past is and move ahead.

March 5, 2017 at 5:34 pm

@Nemzie Bayawa , Nice quote,but you failed to indicate the author of this quote.This is a very meaningful quote. I believed the creator of the is a very experienced and genius man or woman.

November 2, 2017 at 5:14 am




A man had one very beautiful daughter. When the daughter was ready for marriage, the father sent news around town that all the eligible young men should come to compete in a test which would determine who was fit to marry his daughter.



On that day, all was set, all the able-bodied young men came out. Some came with paper and biro and others with cutlasses and swords.



The rich man took them to his swimming pool and addressed the men: β€œAny of you who can swim from one end of this swimming pool to the other would marry my daughter.



In addition, Iβ€˜ll give him 15 million dollars, a car and a house so they can start life well. I shall be waiting to meet my son-in-law at the other end. Good luck!”



As the young men, all very excited at the prospect of winning, started taking off their shirts, a helicopter came over the pool and dropped alligators and crocodiles into the pool. Immediately, all the men turned back and started wearing their shirts again. Disappointed, some of them said, ”That’s crazy, let’s see who would marry that girl, no one will”.



All of a sudden, they heard a splash in the pool. Everybody watched in amazement as one gentleman waddled across, expertly avoiding the alligators and crocodiles.



Finally, he made it to the other side. The rich man could not believe it. He asked the young man to name anything he wanted but the man was still panting uncontrollably.



πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚Finally, he got back to his senses and made a request saying, ”SHOW ME THE PERSON WHO PUSHED ME INSIDE THIS POOL!”



Moral 1:✍

You don’t know what you are capable of doing until you are PUSHED! Meanwhile, the Crocodiles were Rubber Crocodiles.


Moral 2: ✍

Those seeking to push you into the jaws of alligators and crocodiles may have helped you to reach your promised land!!!



Sometimes it takes going through the bad moments to bring out the BEST in us.



Trials are raw materials for Triumphant Testimonies… The push might take different dimensions: some people needed to be sacked before realizing their potentials and reaching their goals in life.




April 3, 2018 at 11:08 pm

It is true that we all have the two points in life that are A and D. We are all born to die at some point in our lives. Whatever happens in the middle is a mystery to everyone. However i like the atory about being pushed. Its actually very true that sometimes we are placed in a corner where we are not comfortable for us to get out of our comfort zone and do or try new challenging things to see how far we can go. It is only then that we get to know our limits and our capabilities. I guess this is essential for evwryone for your growth thanks for sharing very inspiring indeed.

April 21, 2018 at 5:03 am

Beautiful, and inspirational. Thank you, I needed this!