Author Posts

November 7, 2016 at 1:54 pm

Here in my country, there are many accidents that occur but I hear most especially about motor accident or should I say road accident. We would hear about car crashes and sometimes we would hear of pedestrian being hit by moving vehicles . Most times we hear about car felling break and hitting on several cars  and even human beings. This is the most cases of accident we hear in our country and the government is trying to curb the occurrences of accident by engaging themselves in many activities like building of roads, expansion of roads and others. Not that other kinds of accident don’t  happen in my country, but accident is the most occurred so far. Other accident that also happen in my country is the accident of mistaken bullet. When a cult group or an armed forces are opening fire to their opponents, the bullet sometimes touch the innocent citizen who may lead to serious injury or death as the case may be. This  is also applicable to cult members  That is why in our universities, when you hear of any gunshot whether from the security men or from cult groups, we pick race and run to any direction cos of ths mistake bullet. If you are dead, you are dead. Another accident that also happen is the explosion of cars. In few cases, cars that are not properly managed may catch fire and put the neighborhood in great fear and danger. Collapsing of houses is  also another accident that occur few times and that is why everyone is being adviced always to take the necessary procedure and the original material in building his house so as to avoid this kinda accident.