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June 26, 2016 at 12:07 pm

When you are sick or unwell, you visit the doctor for medicinal prescriptions.

However, not all medicines that had been prescribed by the doctor are performing well in each patient.

Some patients may feel:

  • allergic to medicines
  • Itchy skin, rashes
  • Nausea, feel like vomiting
  • could not perform any manual tasks after medications
  • Feeling sleepy the whole day
  • lack of appetite
  • irregular heart beat
  • dizziness

Once my dad was given a higher dose of high blood pressure by the doctor in charge.

After taking the new medicine, my dad felt his heart beat was racing alike Speedy Gonzale, his head was dizzy that he couldn’t stand still and he felt shortness of breath.

Immediately, we sent him back to the doctor for clarification.

He prescribed the previous medication for my dad.

Not all new medication are suitable for patients.



Have you had any side effects after taking medicines?



June 26, 2016 at 12:17 pm

@peachpurple, That doctor could be sued why prescribing a wrong medicine. Thankful your father has a very strong immune system,or else he might have suffered cardiac arrest.I hope you quarreled the doctor.

June 26, 2016 at 12:25 pm

thanks for your kind words.

My brother did asked the doctor for his explanations.

You know , doctor has many Scientific reasons and medical terms to argue with patients and caregivers.

Anyway, we are glad  that my dad is alright now and taking well with the old meds.

Old folks shouldn’t take stronger dose that is for sure !


June 26, 2016 at 1:11 pm

Every medication has different side effects. These should be disclosed by the doctor when a drug is prescribed – and again by the pharmacist when it’s dispensed. Both doctor and pharmacist should be on the lookout for contraindications (reasons a person should not take the drug) and for possible interactions with any other medicines the person is taking.

That being said, every patient reacts differently to medicines. Sometimes the only way to know if a medicine will work safely is to try it. This is why often the doctor will only give a small dose at first and then build the dose up gradually. I have had my doctor build the dose for some medicines over the course of 6 months. It’s the safest way to find the right dose.

As patients, it’s also our job to know what our health conditions are and to educate ourselves about the treatments the doctor proposes. The doctor’s role should be more that of the consultant than the boss. It’s up to us to decide if we would like to follow a recommended course of treatment, or if we want to explore other options. We should have very frank communication with the doctor, and be clear that we are the ones to decide. Too many people just do as they are told without ever asking any questions, and often this is when a mistake can slip past them and make them very sick.

June 26, 2016 at 1:42 pm

@peachpurple  Even if a doctor prescribes the right  dose and the right medicine almost every allopathic medicine has side effects some of which  could even affect the kidneys.

Sometimes there is no choice as in order to live these side effects need to be taken in one’s stride.

June 26, 2016 at 3:41 pm

We should be extra carefully when taking a medicine. For doctor’s prescription, the medicine to be taken in sometimes have to be tested or the doctor himself will diagnose his patient for possible allergy to a medicine. It is good if the negative medicine reaction to a patient does happen in the morning. What about if it does happen late in the evening. It would just make the situation worse and the patient is greatly affected.

June 26, 2016 at 4:28 pm

The effects can be many, for example, can manifest to me ugly, that I get out some red spots on the face or entire body.

Now it depends on each person, after all we are not all the same, though I think that if after the first administration of a drug we felt good, and we must not go to the doctor who prescribed them to us.

Although the doctor says I’m good, I never I took after him, eventually if I see that I’d better not give up on them.

June 26, 2016 at 6:25 pm

@peachpurple There are expected adverse effects when taking in medications to our systems. The most common symptoms are gastrointestinal irritation especially if taken a medication on an empty stomach. Do we have a choice? I guess we just need to ask the doctor what would be the best option before taking some medicines.

June 29, 2016 at 11:15 am

good point of view.

Everytime the doctor gives me the medication, I was told by my hubby to look up on the websites what are the medications for and what are the side effects.

Once, my son had eye sore. The doctor gave me ear ache drops instead.

Nope, I didn’t give it to my son because I had checked out the drops before hand.

Instead, I went to buy the eye drops.

Couldn’t trust these doctors.

After all, doctors are God either

June 29, 2016 at 11:23 am

yeah you are right if the illness is crucial.

Common sickness should avoid medications but not cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and etc.

Only medications could keep the illness at bay.

Yes, side effects on the organs too

thanks for your share

June 29, 2016 at 11:26 am

while most medications are expected to be taken after meal, yes there are some cases where it has to be taken before meal or before bedtime.

Anyway, what choice do we have if it is a serious illness?

thanks for your share

September 10, 2016 at 4:02 pm

Medicine is is a healer a cure and can still be a toxic in our bodies how ironical but there are those medicines that will make you feel better and others worse. But all the side effects can be regularized so that you don’t have to go through them. Then there is always a doctor who is ready and willing to get some tests done to see if you react to something that could be in the medicine so that they can give you an alternative

September 10, 2016 at 5:26 pm

It is not good to take plentiful medicine at one time.The patient may overdose that may lead to blood stroke or heart stroke.It is also better to use herbal medication to get rid of multiple side effects. The human is so  vulnerable that even a small prick, it could cause a;arm to the entire body system especially the nervous system.The best way to avoid strokes due to over taking of medicine is to drink plenty of water.

September 10, 2016 at 8:41 pm

  1. Medicine is is a healer a cure and can still be a toxic in our bodies how ironical but there are those medicines that will make you feel better and others worse. But all the side effects can be regularized so that you don’t have to go through them. Then there is always a doctor who is ready and willing to get some tests done to see if you react to something that could be in the medicine so that they can give you an alternative

September 12, 2016 at 9:34 am

@sauda you are absolutely right. Specialized doctors never take any chances for their patient to take any medicine, unless they’ve undergone series of laboratory tests. We know that doctors are only human and they may commit mistakes, but their mistakes are too dangerous for they would take the lives of their patients. As a patient, we should follow that the doctor is telling us with no exception for it would be our fast recovery or our instant passing away.