Author Posts

May 13, 2016 at 8:09 pm

I think some times our lives get so hectic and we become overwhelmed.  We have every minute of the day full of things to do.  Sometimes we can be so overwhelmed we need a way to “re-group” so we can focus on things again and to become less stressed.  I know people who do yoga or meditation as therapy to get them energized and focused.

I find my therapy in my garden, weeding and seeing the progress of my hard work.  When I don’t have a garden to be in, I still like being outside.  What kind of therapy do you use to relieve your stresses of life?

May 14, 2016 at 6:20 am

I actually have to have typical therapy, the kind where you go and sit with a trained professional and talk about your issues, to help with my stress.

Other than that, I’d say driving with music on is my stress relief therapy.