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May 19, 2016 at 7:42 am

I am sure every ladies and women do experienced menstruation cramps once in a while or almost every month.

I do not a consistent pain monthly but this month, I had this cramp that brought me down to the floor.

Yes, it was bleeding in clots but after 30 minutes, it stopped.

My mom used to tell me that consuming Panadol ( paracetamol) could ease the pain.

However, depending on pills isn’t an ideal way to stop menstruation cramps.

If I were to have these painful cramps monthly, I would be crazy to pop in a couple of paracetamol into my mouth!

Do you think that drinking cold beverage before the 1st mensus day of the month is related to the cramps?

I didn’t know that it was coming since the due date should be a few days later.

What methods do you use to stop your menstruation cramps?

Do share with me


May 19, 2016 at 9:04 am

@peachpurple When I was a teenager I had severe cramps every month. I would lay on the bed with my knees in my stomach an cry and would pour the blood with clots coming out. My grandmother told my mother she used to do the same thing and the doctor told her to place a hot water bottle or heating pad on the stomach. The heat will help break down the clots to a smaller size and ease the pain. My mom put a warm heating pad on my belly and it did help some. So try it. It may help you some. If this is out of the ordinary for you and continues I would suggest seeing your ob/gyn. Just to be safe cause something could be going on.

May 19, 2016 at 10:59 am

@peachpurple I don’t think drinking a cold beverage has ever brought on or exacerbated my cramps, but I can say that if I catch a chill they will get worse. They are also worse if I’m not getting enough liquids.

I recommend staying well hydrated. If you are feeling like plain water isn’t doing the trick, you might try a sports drink. Be careful not to take too much of this, though, because sugar and salt can make bloating and other symptoms worse. Energy drinks and anything with a lot of caffeine can also make you feel worse, so watch out for them!

Raspberry leaf tea or a tincture of motherwort are said to help relieve cramps. Susun Weed has a lot of info online about these two herbs, even videos showing how to make the tincture. If you are interested in learning more, I recommend you Google her. She wrote several books specifically about using herbs for women’s reproductive health; I believe you can still find them today.

Taking a hot bath or applying a heated rice bag to your belly can sometimes be enough to relieve the pain. Keeping your feet warm may help, or getting under a warm fuzzy blanket and staying covered. It also helps to be physically active right before and during your period. Cramps are a type of muscle spasm, so anything that helps you relax or that stretches your muscles out gently may prove sufficient to resolving the cramp.

I want to say that you shouldn’t be afraid to take a little paracetamol (or ibuprofen if you tolerate it, as an anti-inflammatory may work better for the pain.) The rule of thumb taught to me was to take something for pain if it wakes you up or prevents you getting to sleep, or if it’s preventing you accomplishing basic tasks. We don’t really know how pain relievers work, but one theory says they simply stop the pain signal getting to the brain. Unless you are taking large quantities of OTC pain meds, or have to take them over a prolonged period of time, you are probably safe. But do ask your doctor or pharmacist to be sure!

May 19, 2016 at 2:12 pm

I had terrible dysmenorrhea when I was younger. I would have bluish-black nailbeds,  cold sweats and just faint.  I depended on taking either Mefensmic Acid or Naproxen Sodium.  But when I gre older,  I try to refrain from taking any medicine unless the pain has become unbearable.

I remember my grandma telling me to lay in bed straight and put a warm compress on my abdomen.

There was this thing that we do back in high school when we have heavy flows… We drink ice cold beer to sort of stop the blood flow to prevent from having cramps. It worked well with me. One of our crazy times!

May 19, 2016 at 4:16 pm

I second the heating pad suggestion.  I also had to be put on prescription birthcontrol pills I had such heavy periods and such pain.  I would faint, vomit, and be generally sick for two weeks out of every month.

May 20, 2016 at 5:19 pm


thanks for your tips.

I have not try on heating pads.

Maybe I should check out on phamacies, they might sell hot pads.

Which means, I just fill up hot water into the pad, place it on my aching tummy?

I hope that the clots will break free.

Thanks for your concern, I hope to visit the gynae to check on pap smear.

Just want to make sure I am ok



Thanks for your advice.

I heard a lot of superstitions belief that cold drinks would worsen the cramps.

But I don’t find any scientific reasons nor prove that myth makes any sense at all.

I do agree that warm water and lots of fluids should be able to help me keep hydrated.

A fuzzy blanket to keep me warm and maybe wear socks at night should be better.

Thanks very much


May 20, 2016 at 6:33 pm

@peachpurple your welcome. A heating pad runs off of electricity and you control the temperature. It is basically a pad with a power cord. More convient than a hot water bottle because it doesn’t get cool unless you take it from your tummy or turn it off. You can buy heating pads at most any pharmacy or department store.

May 20, 2016 at 7:18 pm

I used to get bad cramps when I was younger but I had a really light flow. After my children were born that changed. I had a heavier flow and it got worse after my last child. I would almost feel like I was hemmoraging and sometimes it would be worse when I would move around. I was also in pain during my periods and even when it was not my time. I went to the gynecologist and he did an ultrasound but could find nothing. He had to do exploratory surgery and found that I had endometriosis very bad. So I had to have a hysterectomy.

I would normally just take some ibuprofen to take down the swelling. I never used the heating pad since I was always told it would make the flow heavier, but this was probably just an old wives tale.  I have a high pain tolerance so I guess this made it more bearable for me.

May 21, 2016 at 1:28 am

@peachpurple I think those rumours must be common in some parts of the world. I don’t think I’ve ever heard it here, but I’ve heard quite a number of folks from Asia say that cold drinks make the cramps worse.

@melissa1024 I used to use the heating pad, but I dislike having to be tied down to the electrical outlet. Also, I find the heat from an electric pad is not as natural, and it doesn’t soothe as well as a heated rice bag or a hot water bottle does.

May 21, 2016 at 2:29 am

@ruby3881 I guess everyone has their own preference. I used the heating pad and it helped me but like you said didn’t help you as well. So really it just depends on the person. When I was cramping really bad it made me sick also so it was a real problem getting up and down to reheat the water bottle. As I would also be dizzy.

May 21, 2016 at 10:25 pm

@peachpurple Menstrual cramps are a very common problem with me. First three days are so awful and painful for me. When I used to work full-time, I used to take leave from work on the first two days and keep lying on bed most of the time. I take meftal spas tablets which control pain very effectively and also relaxes body spasms which commonly arise due to menstruation. Drinking coffee also used to provide relief but since I no longer drink coffee, I rely on green tea.

May 22, 2016 at 12:34 am

We are all almost the same experiences. I have period cramps too. If I have menstrual pain this month, the next month I will be free of pain. When another month will come, there goes the pain again. I drink not so cold beer. Some say that the bitter tastes of the beer will avoid you to get a cramp. I also put hot water a bottle and put it on my stomach. I also do some stretching. Paracetamol works sometimes, sometimes not, so if not, I will do the warm water in the bottle or drink beer.

They say that when you are about to have your period, you will likely to love eating sour foods. I love vinegar and green mango before my period. My ob-gyn said to do not fall into a trap as this will cause menstrual pain. If you will have your period this week and you are craving for sour foods, eat sweets instead.