Author Posts

May 11, 2016 at 6:03 pm

my mom has a stage 4 breast cancer on her heart are and my mom is still very stong as in super strong but her whole breast was eaten by the wound so i just wanna inspire other and at the same time seek for opinion. thanks a lot guys.

May 12, 2016 at 4:20 am

@lauraojimba I have a supervisor who had a breast cancer. The cancer left her and came back. Even though she had suffered a lot from it, she never stop helping people and inspiring them. The illness had never become a hindrance for her to become a person that she is. She said that her purpose on earth will lives on and that is the legacy she wants to leave. She is no longer with me and her family but I still remember her advises. She touched my life in so many ways.

I do not have a better advise but to be strong for your mother. I know your mother will get stronger when they see people treating her special and how her life had touch yours and your family. Let her think it is just a cancer. We have a big God that will remove it in a snap of a finger. Just don’t lose faith and love her more that you love her before.

May 12, 2016 at 4:40 am



Firstly, sorry to hear about it.

I heard that breast C is a hereditary disease. Is it true?

Like Angelina Jolie case.

I have 2 sister-in-laws and a niece who had breast C.

Both sister-in laws were hereditary case because their sisters and mom had the same disease too.

Only my niece isn’t which is the weird case.

All of them had went through chemo and are recovering but not well.

One of my sister in law told me that she needed a hubby support and kids support to help her to go through bad times.

Hair falling, loss of appetite, etc. She needed someone to be there when she needed help but none of her family helped her. They cast her aside since she is “Useless” to them now.

Recently, her C reoccurred again. She went chemo again. She is all alone by herself.

Hence, I could say is stay by your mom side. Give her all your support, whether physically or verbally. She needed your hugs and kisses.

Give with your best shot.

You will never know whether she can hang on or not even though she may be strong in spirit but what about her body, can she take it?

Pray for her, protect her.

I am praying for your mom.



May 17, 2016 at 5:22 pm

My grandmother died of cancer last March 2016. We are still on the process of moving on and it really hurts – seeing that we literally can’t do anything about what happened. My mom was not able to see her mom’s funeral which hurts us because our grandma died in San Antonio Texas and my mom is here in the Philippines.

May 17, 2016 at 6:09 pm

 @Christi Ann Tonel Espinola I am so sorry to hear about your loss. We had lost my aunt (my father’s sister) to breast cancer. She was my father’s only sister. It was long back when I was still in school. My cousins were almost my age and they were the ones who suffered the most. At that time, India didn’t have much facilities for cancer treatment. My aunt had to be taken to Mumbai for her chemotherapy. But after battling cancer for almost two years, she passed away. 

June 8, 2016 at 9:53 pm

I know what you are going through. The best advice I can give is to stay strong. I had also experienced such feeling when my bestfriend had blood cancer. He died at the age of 12. We just graduated in primary school. I can still reminisce the last thing he wanted. That is, to live longer and be a doctor. Since then, I never had bestfriend after his death.