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May 9, 2016 at 8:43 pm

In an earlier topic we were discussing depression.  I then thought that I suffer form bouts of depression and I also suffer anxiety attacks and I wonder if there is a correlation to depression and anxiety?  Other people who suffer from depression also suffer from anxiety attacks.  It makes sense because when one suffers anxiety attacks we worry so badly about things that some times we have no control of.  With that being said, maybe we get depressed because we can’t “fix” the problem….which then leads to more anxiety.  Also when I was on some anxiety meds, they also prescribed me with anti-depressants.

Do you suffer from anxiety attacks?  I’ve suffered from several severe ones that were so severe, I thought I was having a heart attack/stroke!!

May 9, 2016 at 9:45 pm

I suffer from anxiety as well as depression. I think mostly it goes hand in hand for most people. I know it does in my family anyway. When I was taking care of my mother and after I had my two children, I had bad problems with anxiety and I would have attacks. They are scary and they are hard to deal with on your own. The medication that I take for my depression also helps me to deal with the anxiety although there are certain situations that still bring on a high level of anxiety especially if I am under a great deal of stress.

June 19, 2016 at 2:51 pm

I think anxiety attack is due to traumatic experience happened before. Depression is the end result of being in trauma.

June 19, 2016 at 4:04 pm

If keep on thinking abut the trauma it creates constant fear and scare. The best way is to pray so hard, dance once in a while , sing your favorite song and eat ice cream.

August 20, 2016 at 10:56 am

I am so thankful to God and myself for I never had in my life depression and anxiety problems.I think the foods that we eat contributes to these kind of problems.I am so thankful too for I do not eat pork, chicken, crabs, shrimps and other bad foods. I always do research as to the right foods that give our body good feeling.
Jo Dee, I hope you are physically strong this time, no more feeling of these two odds in the self.

August 20, 2016 at 10:59 am

@Shavkat, You are right, there is correlation between depression and anxiety.If one feels the fear, the tendency for him/ her to feel sad leading to depression.Anxiety must be cured first so that depression cannot find a room for its entry to ruin the person’s entire self.

August 20, 2016 at 3:29 pm

@lovern Thank you for agreeing with my statement. There will be no other cure but to help ourselves to set free from this anxiety. I had been in this kind of situation before. The ending, nothing happens to me and I remained nibbled by other people. That’s the reason why I fight back this fear from within and be who I am right now.

August 21, 2016 at 3:03 pm

@Shavkat, That is true to eliminate anxiety takes many weeks.It is us who can cure our feeling.There is a need for us yo convert our feeling and thinking to other valuable and effective thinking so anxiety disappears gradually.Anxiety attacks anyone, any time and any place.

August 21, 2016 at 3:08 pm

@morgoodie, It is not advisable to you to be under stressful situation for it may trigger the history of your depression and anxiety. I understand your previous feeling when you too good care of your mother.The anxiety there is if your mother can survive from her sickness and depression followed for what would life be without a mother.A mother plays vital role in the lives of the children even if we are already nature, but our mother is so influential in any aspect of problem. I hoe this time you are already very brave to face life’s situations.

August 21, 2016 at 5:24 pm

@lovern Well, I must admit that this panic attack came into my life a few months ago. My ex-partner broke my heart into million pieces. I was betrayed and didn’t know where to start. It has been a long that I never write online. But then, it is my outlet to release all the hurting process after that incident. Now, I am doing fine. I just need to love myself more than anything else.

August 21, 2016 at 6:15 pm

Sorry, I never had experience anxiety attacks but my mom and my brother had experienced them.

both of them had experience this attacks for years.

Then, my mom had stroke, since 2012 and my brother had OCD 2 years ago.


August 23, 2016 at 3:20 pm

@Shavkat, sorry friend to hear abut the infidelity of your lover. She does not deserve your trust.It is not easy to be betrayed by the one we love and trust fully. We may be blinded with so much love that we never observe some sudden changes from them.A person who betrays will be seen as always in hiding a secret.I am glad you are relieved this time.It is not easy to bear the pain and hard to move on instantly.It takes months am d years to heal the broken heart.

August 24, 2016 at 5:58 am

@lovern I agree it is not easy. I need to stand up and move on. There are so many people need my full support. I don’t need to be weak with this kind of situation. Things happen for a reason. In time. she will know the great impact of having betrayal.

August 24, 2016 at 9:21 am

@Shavkat I have never gone through any major anxiety attacks but as far minor problems are concerned then who doesn’t face them in his life. It is better to face them bravely and try meditation to come out of their grip.

August 24, 2016 at 3:14 pm

Are panic attacks the same as anxiety attacks? i believe they are the same. for me i used to suffer panic attacks sometime back but i thank God that it did not escalate to depression. am sorry to hear that you suffer from depression and anxiety attacks. that’s pretty hard given that both of them are serious and can cause big problems in one’s life. For the sake of your health please try and relax and take things easy. not everything has to be dealth with all the time.