Author Posts

June 25, 2016 at 5:41 pm

When I was in my teens, still schooling, I had a best friend ( girl ) who was mu junior.

Although our age was 1 year apart, we were very closed to each other.

We hung out together in the library, parties, had lunch together.

We also visited each other’s home and introduced our families to each other.

Hence, our family and her family knew of our closed friendship.

We were best buddies.

After we had graduated from school, we started to work.

She was a waitress in a pub, I was working as a sales assistant in a computer shop.

One day, she came to me with a desperate look on her face.

She told me that she needed some money because her mom had stomach cancer and needed to go for a surgery as soon as possible.

I don’t have much cash in hand since I had just started to work.

I lend it to her $500 of my first salary without any obligation.

She said that she will pay me back the money next month after she got her pay.

I told her not to worry about it because her mom is more important.

3 months later, I still didn’t hear any news from her.

I had been calling her work place, her home and her hostel where she used to stay.

Unfortunately, she had resigned from her job and her mom said that she doesn’t come home often.

I found these situation very weird.

I decided to look for her mom since I knew where she stayed.

Asked her mom how was she and her health.

She said she was as fit as ever.

I was puzzled. Did she had any illness or surgery?

She was puzzled too. Nope.

She never had any cancer nor surgery.

I asked whether my best friend ( her daughter) was in need of money.

She doesn’t know.

It has been 20 years already and I still could not locate her.

I am sure she is still around but why did she cheated on me for the sake of money?

I couldn’t understand what was her motive nor her reasons.

I wish to tell her that “hey, I don’t mind about the money that you owe me. I just wanna know why did you cheated on me.”


Have you ever been betrayed or cheated by your best friend?


( This is one of my rant since I don’t want to write any rant post anymore)