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May 5, 2016 at 11:00 am

We all have friends, right?

but there are those types of friendships that we need to end because they’re making us less of a better person or friends that are too clingy they need you to always be there – I Mean always! and that includes solving their own problems for them.


How do you let go? or if not, how do you fix it?

May 5, 2016 at 11:38 am

I try to be a friend to anyone.  It breaks my heart ending a friendship.  But if I have been terribly hurt,  I stay away for awhile. If the friendship survives despite the time of being far away fron each other then it’s fine.  But the trust won’t be the same again.

May 5, 2016 at 11:38 am

I generally make a friend very carefully and wouldn’t break it easily but if I would ever want to part with a friend I would probably talk to them first and clarify the matter first and if I still feel the friendship is not worth I would call it a quiet without any hesitation.

May 5, 2016 at 7:09 pm

To me trust is the most important in any friendship.  Some are emotionally confused when it comes to the word trust.  Trust means to me; communication between two people who can tell each other everything.  And when I say everything, I mean everything.  Trust is most essential including hard to find.  As far as some being clingy or cannot solve problems on their own, some times it may be best for certain types of people to seek counseling.  There is nothing wrong with it and at times it can be beneficial in that it assists a person in “finding themselves”.

May 5, 2016 at 10:19 pm

I end a friendship when a person is full of herself/himself. It is not that I let them know, I just turned away. It is like the bitterness is overwhelming and I already forgotten what they are before because they are totally different person now, run by bitterness, of what they feel inside them, when we know we can sort things out in the process. It is hard to deal with people who are one-sided and never listen to you, never open their minds about the differences of people, because it happen. People have different situation and decision and they keep on insisting on them when you know they are all wrong.

May 6, 2016 at 1:45 am

I have had friendships that have ended, but not because I ended them myself. Usually when one of my friendships end, it was because we had grown in different directions and there was nothing left of the friendship. Sometimes, people just develop different interests and other times it is just better to not be friends with certain people. One friendship that ended I discovered that I was actually better off without the person. They were a negative influence on me which I did not realize at the time of our friendship.

May 6, 2016 at 5:04 am

I never have to end a friendship yet, but many just fall out because of our circumstances and situations. When you are a parent, free time is the biggest stump in staying connect.

May 6, 2016 at 11:03 am

I used to have a best friend, who was very closed to me.

We do everything together, share secrets until one day she betrayed my trust.

She chose to disappear from my sight although I didn’t have the chance to ask for her reasons ( betrayal).

Hence, I kept my distance from my friends.

Friends do not stay close to you during crucial times.

I had been “stabbed” by them a few times.



May 6, 2016 at 9:38 pm

@peachpurple  That makes it hard to be close to people after things like that happen. I know that I tend to keep myself distant to people because I never know when someone is going to turn on me. I tend to not trust people and I do not like feeling like this, but when more than one person betrays me it is hard to trust others. I like to keep most of my personal life, personal. That way no one can use it against you. Of course, that makes it sound like I have skeletons in the closet. Lol

May 9, 2016 at 12:23 am

I can handle an emotional leech, sometimes it is even entertaining. But, I have a really nasty attitude towards the lairs, manipulators, posers, abusers of any kind. If and when I find something is wrong I pretty much blow up the whole deal with the dynamite, I am not really loving person when it comes  to that. In the other hand, the overly emotional ‘pets’ I have for friends, are used to a fact that they have to leave me to chill until they are allowed to talk to me again. Even my online pal who is a circus show and a hot mess of emo drama narrative in Tolstoy style  freaks me out every Friday just to see me explode. By Monday we are all fine and talk again.

May 9, 2016 at 12:57 pm

I am the one who finds it hard to let go. I hold on to friends till it becomes nearly impossible to continue. Mostly I will not end a friendship but I will slowly start distancing myself. I prefer to be on talking terms rather than severing all ties.

May 10, 2016 at 6:05 pm

I agree there are those that one just has to let go. For me,i pull away slowly by slowly until the day things to get distance between us. This helps because there is no enemity created and in case you ever meet things are cool

September 1, 2016 at 5:35 pm

Friendships can be very tricky sometimes, and people need to be like very careful with the people around them. For me it all depends on what type of friendship i am in. there are those that will motivate you to higher levels and make you become a better person than what you are, and there are those who are there just to use you and when they see you have nothing left they leave, now those are the kinds of friends that i don’t associate myself with because they don’t add any value to my life. and that is easy to find and to notice you don’t have to struggle to know them, if i notice any in my cycle i will always keep away and pretend how busy i am

September 8, 2016 at 3:32 pm

A friendship ends when you establish boundaries and the other party refuses to respect them. An act of betrayal can easily ruin that bond.

September 8, 2016 at 3:51 pm

Ending a friendship happens automatically when there is nothing to bind a friendship.