Author Posts

May 15, 2016 at 7:56 am

Recently I was in the hospital for 3 days.  During that time I was posting updates via facebook and receiving all sort of messages of support from my friends.  Not one single family member bothered to ask if I was okay or make a comment.  Not even my half sister who not to long ago finally said “I love you” after years of us not getting along.  Its really hurt me.

Not too long ago I filled these family members in on my struggle with mental illness, this hospitalization was to adjust some of my medications.  I feel like they don’t support me at all in reality (despite their original statements of support when I said I had a mental illness).  Just venting I guess.

May 19, 2016 at 9:38 am

did they know that you were in the hospital for the last 3 days?

If you had posted on FB, they may not know about it.

If you had called them and they had already been notified verbally, then that is just way too much !

They should at least text you or drop by to see you.

Otherwise, are your relationship with your family members not that close?

Sometimes, family members are closer to you for”materialistic” reasons.

For example: my mother in law side family isn’t close to me.

Instead, when my teenager had found herself a job after graduated, all of a sudden, they became closer to us.

For what purpose?

Money of course.

now that is what i called Money In Laws

May 19, 2016 at 10:16 am

@peachpurple is right.  You have to talk to them to each of them individually. And this will touch them and will be in your life. Try it.

June 1, 2016 at 11:27 pm

I do not think you can change some people and I sincerely family people who did not even greet us basically most want to see their interest, nothing else.

It’s pretty ugly to see how your own close relatives behind your back, especially when nothing stands in their way when they enjoy your trouble.

I know you’re going through because nothing is inevitable in the days of our appliances the world we live in is very strange day.