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August 11, 2016 at 11:59 pm

There isn’t a perfect relationship on earth, all relationships have their problems. But if you are in a relationship with someone and you are not willing to honestly express how you feel (what hurts you, what you want your partner to do or change, etc.) then how do you expect your relationship to work out?
If you want your relationship to bloom, be open to your partner. Speak out your heart to them. Express how you feel about them and what they do. If you have suspicions or if you see your partner with strange behaviors, talk about it with them. Stop making assumptions and quick conclusions before talking things out with your partner. Always speak out your heart to your partner.
Again, if your partner expresses how s/he feels about something maybe that you do, did or said, try to understand them, respect their feelings, adjust in your behaviors where necessary or apologize to them. Don’t be so defensive. Don’t value your pride and ego more than your relationship.

August 24, 2016 at 12:29 am

Oohhmy that’s so true, being honest and open in a relationship is very important. The only bad thing is when you do all that but your partner is not willing to open up, that can be very frustrating. Relationships can be very demanding at times and if one is not willing to stop and listen it can be very devastating

September 11, 2016 at 4:32 pm

There is indeed no perfect relationship in the world for if there , there will be no divorce.The main reason for divorce is to stop some struggles in a relationship; to stop some pretensions that love is still there in the heart.But I cannot blame those victims of unfaithfulness , for they might have tolerated their feelings because ; they are afraid to lost a love. That is insanity if continue living in disguise. Each one must accept the truth to gain peace of mind and calm the aching heart. You might not be the perfect pair, so why sacrifice, move on and find your way to happiness. It is so painful and heart may continue bleeding, but that is life we have to face.

September 12, 2016 at 9:14 am

This goes down to the communication issue. In this means of having a relationship to get it well done, a clear and well-defined point of view is needed. Thus, in communication, there should be a sender (the one communicates) and the receiver (the one who listens and reacts). If there are no means of interacting, the communication would be one-sided or half-way achieved. Communications would function well if there is a two-way mode of communication.