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December 10, 2016 at 1:09 pm

Ihave seen in most of the countries domestic violence is increasing day by day and the government is not taking any step due to personal benefits. I have read in India and Pakistan occurs many incidents of domestic violence due to trivial matters. Husband beat their women without cause or on the ground of doubt or blameless charge.

In villages landlords to save their lands of inheritance make women’s marriages to the Holy Books and thus the women remain throughout life unmarried is a more bitter and cruel domestic crimes and violence. Teens’ marriage to the old rich men is also brutal kind of domestic violence in India and Pakistan.

The government is silent because the big landlords do such jobs who are the member sf the National Assembly or the provincial Assembly. The poor cannot do anything against them because they are the master of the poor on earth. People must joint hands against such landlords all over the world. That is why education is most important so that people could know what are their basic rights in societies.

December 10, 2016 at 5:47 pm

It is not only those countries you mentioned. Also in Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Qatar, Hongkong. domestic violence is rampaging like a wild fire in the forest. That must be what the international human rights to take action, not only in politics. Human rights international do not do their duties and responsibilities to the world. Thy must not create an organization like this, for they cannot solve domestic violence.

There are so numerous cases brought to Facebook asking help from Facebook users to if possible bring or reach the matter to their parents , so their parents can seek assistance form their government. I hate much that Hongkong husband and wife when they ironed the body of the domestic helper with that electric iron burning the young girl and obtaining up to 3rd degree burns.

I asked myself what the hell those officials in the international human rights, why they did not take  action. Only the government of Vietnam  the residence of that young girl where the case was brought to court and have the couple jailed for 18 years and required to pay in millions damage physically, emotionally and spiritually to the victim of extreme abuses.

Other case rape, harassment, and many more that demoralized the victims. Why are there heartless humans? Those abusive persons must go to hell, and dogs are better than them in dealing with humans.

February 12, 2017 at 12:25 am

Unfortunately domestic violence is everywhere,  it’s just as high in the UK. Though we have many organisations working hard for women’s rights, but our refuges are full!

We need to start teaching our kids, our boys need to be bought up as good men… 

February 16, 2017 at 9:08 pm

It is indeed a rising trend not only in india and pakistan but all over the world. Its like women have become punching bags for men nowadays. Its unfortunate that women are the one’s who are being blamed for everything that wrong that is going on in the mans life. It should be known that women ar3 also human we have hearts too that can be broken. For men to take women for granted and do whatever they want with them whenever they want to should stop. I have come to realize that when men are broke they are usually at their worst, so the best thing is to avoid confronting them on issues or matters finance. Otherwise you would ve waking up a lion that was fast asleep. Finances will agitate a polite man to turn into a violent person in a matter of seconds. Anyway my prayer is that men should take precaution when they are dealing with their women .they need to realize that violence is not the only way to solve issues in marriages or relationships. And the relevant authorities should be able to tackle this kinds of problems in a good way and if anything harsh punishments should be taken.

February 24, 2017 at 4:19 pm

Domestic violence can happen anywhere. I used to run a site for people who had been abused and can tell you it takes place in all countries and in all walks of life. The hard thing is that so many people find it hard to admit it is happening to then and in many societies it is extremely hard to leave the situation. Even if a person does they tend to go back on average two or three times before they actually leave. The pattern is usually that the violent person appears to have changed, but they rarely do and the situation escalates. I actually have some videos I made on Youtube for Christians suffering domestic violence. I am not sure if I can add them here without losing copyright.

March 1, 2017 at 4:07 pm

There is alot of domestic violence around the world and it is increasing but there is also something we forget and when i say this i talk about the more developed countrys. Even when there is domestic violence there are no charges against these men (or women because it can happen) because the victim is too afraid to step forward.

There are cases so extreme that they just simply run far away as possible where they can’t be found. Some are treated so badly by such dangerous people and have no other choice but to flee instead of fighting back and getting them charged and in jail.

This happens alot here in Portugal, mostly because there are not alot of secure systems to keep these people safe after they even go to the police about the matter.

If they had some way of being safe after pressing charges maybe people would stand up more for thereselves, press charges and go on with their life.

Others press charges but still live in fear and this is when it comes to people that belongs to gangs. Even when one is in jail there is always a way to get their revenge on someone from the inside. Sounds like a movie plot, true, but these are things that do happen.

Some people are too possesive, too violent or to psycotic that going agaisnt them would just make their life harder. Thus fleeing is their option.

When it comes to other coutries like Pakistan and India i thnk it is more about the pwoer they have then anything else. They are protected by the goverment for being the people they are just because they have money and help when needed, i assume.

This is a sad topic because there are so many diferent ways of domestic violence all over the world and the way it is handled is sad.

March 2, 2017 at 12:36 pm

Domestic violence — also known as domestic abuse, intimate partner violence or abuse — may start when one partner feels the need to control and dominate the other.

Abusers may feel this need to control their partner because of low self-esteem, extreme jealousy, difficulties in regulating anger and other strong emotions, or when they feel inferior to the other partner in education and socioeconomic background.

Some people with very traditional beliefs may think they have the right to control their partner, and that women aren’t equal to men. Others may have an undiagnosed personality disorder or psychological disorder. Still, others may have learned this behavior from growing up in a household where domestic violence was accepted as a normal part of being raised in their family.

March 6, 2017 at 11:52 am

In villages of india domestic voilence is increasing.Because women are illiterate.They do not about their rights.And they do not have courage to come ahead and take a stand for themself.It is really hearting to read a news about this type of voilence.Government should take strict action against them.But it is not only their duty.We can also help government to spread awareness about womans right.

March 6, 2017 at 2:52 pm

Domestic violence is another evil of the society. Men always prefer to handle women on all aspects. The person who does not know the value of human beings and humanity involve in bad domestic violence. Lots of people had become the victim of domestic violence and this need intensive attention of govt and volunteers who want to clear the issue highhandedly. If you are a part of domestic violence,it is better to come out of that with the help of peers and other voluntary organizations. Please understand none is a slave in this world and hence it is utmost necessary to protect your rights every where and wherever you are.