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May 24, 2016 at 2:42 am

Now that it’s summer vacation, two of our grandchildren are spending time with us.  Our granddaughter (our son and his soon to be wife) and grandson (soon to be daughter-in-law’s son) are going to spend two weeks with us.  

My youngest son is going to be 23 years old this year, so yeah, it’s been some time since I’ve had any children in the house.  About 10 years ago, I had my oldest grandson and his parents living with me, that was the last time I’ve been around any young children.  Granted, these two grand children are 6 and 10, but my how they want to explore things on their own!!  A lot of bickering amongst themselves!! lol

Are you a grandparent?  Have you had your grandchildren stay with you for two weeks?

May 24, 2016 at 3:00 am

I always admire those grandparents, and looking forward to become one. Of course, at the moment, I enjoy being a mother. I just think that it’s really nice to see our children growing up, and having their children. Isn’t it one of the most wonderful things in the world?

Nope, I am not a grandmother yet, I wish I will be a grandmother perhaps 20-30 years later. 😀

My parents will be staying with me very soon, as I am going to deliver my third baby, and my mom will be taking care and cooking for me. So, they will have a month to spend with my children. My parents actually always come and visit us, so they get to spend time with my children quite often. They usually do not do much activities together, but my father always bring them to the park or playground in the evening, as it’s part of our daily routine. Besides this, they just hang out with each other, perhaps just chit chatting.

I think there will be more fun in your house with the two grandchildren around! 🙂

May 24, 2016 at 4:37 am

I did not have experiences like that with my grandparents. Both sets were gone by the time I was 6 years old. My children do not have that experience either since my parents are gone as well. I was fortunate enough to find a lady to watch my children while I worked. My children love her as a grandmother and she also feels that way about them. So they at least get to be spoiled by a grandparent even though we had to adopt her.

I think that this is a great sounding summer for you @JoDee and I am sure @kaka135 your children will be very excited to spend time with their grandparents. You are very fortunate to have your mother take care of you after you have your baby.

May 24, 2016 at 7:23 am

I have 7 grandchildren, 3 from my eldest son, 1 from my eldest daughter, and 3 from my 3rd daughter. The eldest among them is 23 years old and the youngest is 3 years old. They live near us. When we have a special celebration, they could easily be reached. Four of them are living with us. As grandparents, we do find an extra joy and happiness to provide their needs. We love seeing them, studying, doing their school activities, among others.

May 24, 2016 at 7:49 am

@JoDee Stout  I have just one, my only daughter’s only son. You can see him with me in all my avatars anywhere on the net for last five years yes he is five. 

May 24, 2016 at 9:49 am

I am not a grandparent yet, maybe another 10 years to go.

My teen is working right now, so not in a hurry yet, furthermore she is single.

My kids lost their grandfather ( hubby’s side) due to the big C

Both my parents and his mom are still here but they do not visit us.

Instead, we have to visit them

Maybe it is their style , not the Chinese culture, funny isnt it?

Thank goodness that my kids aren’t staying with their grandparents.

Otherwise, they will be spoilt and pampered for sure.

However, me and hubby had already planned out that in the near future, we won’t be staying with our kids when they have their own family.

We won’t interfere their parenting style neither.

It is best to visit them once in a blue moon.



May 24, 2016 at 11:05 am

@peachpurple  Here is one for you all I clicked while in Snow Mountains in New South Wales about one and half years before during Australian summers. Yes Christmas in Australia is during Peak summers. He was 3 and half then



May 24, 2016 at 12:50 pm

@suny  Your grand son is very cute. May God bless him!

@peachpurple Same with me! My only son is eighteen years old and still studying. He just cleared his class 12th exams and is now ready for college.  I live with my parents and my son is thoroughly pampered by my mom and dad. He always manages to get his way as my father just can’t say no to him.


May 24, 2016 at 2:52 pm

@morgoodie Sorry for your losses, but I am glad to hear there is an elderly lady that takes care of your children and love your children as well. It’s a blessing to find such a nice person to take care of your children.

Yes, I think I am blessed as my parents are always trying to help me, especially since I became a stay-at-home mom. They are just too afraid that I have financial issues and also difficulty in taking care of two young children, though I always tell them I will solve my own problems. I understand no matter how old I am, some parents just want to help their children and still treat them as children. 😀

@peachpurple Do you stay near to your parents and mother in law? Do you mean they just do not visit you, but need you all to visit them? I am not sure whether it’s the culture, as my parents and parents-in-law know we are busy, then they will take the opportunity to visit us if they can. Of course, we also try to go back to our hometown to visit them every two months, if possible.

June 1, 2016 at 11:08 pm

Always thinking about how it will be when my children will have a child or myself to become a grandmother, as it will be surrounded by grandchildren.

I love my grandmother very much, especially when I was little and I remember coming home, he first went to grandparents.

Yet even now I love to talk to him all my grandmother.

June 7, 2016 at 6:48 pm

At present, I am not married yet.  But I can see a big smile of my grandmother whenever there is a family gathering. She turned 98 last week and the family was so happy. All her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren are present. We hope she can experience for many years to come.

June 7, 2016 at 7:10 pm


my MIL stays 45minutes away from us.

She is staying with my brother in law who is single. Yes, he has a car, so he visits other siblings often.

Nope, they don’t visit us often because MIL always kept pestering him to go back home after 1 hour of visit.

I don’t know why.

My parents stays 15 minutes away from me.

They don’t visit us because my own brother disliked us.

I don’t know, many reasons, one of them is $$$

Anyway, I do visit them once a year, Chinese New year.

I can’t visit often because I have to ask my own brother’s PERMISSION whether I can visit my mum and dad  or not.


I don’t know. His own house rule?


June 7, 2016 at 7:17 pm


Aww…. such a cute little boy!

Glad that you had enjoyed your trip.

At least you had seen snow, I haven’t !


wow, you boy is so grown up now, 18 years old! I thought are are still single because you had mentioned that you are staying with your parents.

Normally, married children had to stay with hubby, not own parents according to our Chinese culture.

It is normal for your culture to stay with own parents instead of inlaws?


June 7, 2016 at 7:20 pm


wow! what is the secret recipe for your grandmother old age?

She is 98!

That is good news.

Yes, I pray so that she will live long enough to see your children, don’t you?

Old folks are happy when all family members young and old come together to have a simple dinner or chit chat at home.

That is what old folks wanted, they hated loneliness.

My MIL looked very old, haggard and her grey hair had turned white after she moved to her new home.


Nobody visited her unless there is a purpose.

What purpose?


June 7, 2016 at 8:07 pm

@peachpurple  Where  did you you see that cute little boy? I have hundreds of photos of myself and that cute little boy in different locations of the world!