Author Posts

June 27, 2016 at 5:48 pm

What or who would you prefer to have in your home. would you rather have a husband who is a drunk or a sober husband. i know most of us ladies would love to have a husband who does not drink we’d rather have a sober guy in the house in the hope that he will help around the house, but in real sense guys will always be guys helping around the house has never been in their best interest, so for me i don’t mind a guy who will be an occasional drinker go out sometime and meet up with the boys that’s okay but a sober guy will always be home and that can be boring sometimes. what do you think about this

June 27, 2016 at 6:22 pm

oh my hubby is a non smoker and non drinker.

He can’t drink beer because he will have skin rashes, he is allergic to alcoholic drinks except Shandy which has 0.1% of alcohol.

I would rather have a non drinker because my dad was a drunkard for a few decades.

It was agony for us , my brother and me because dad and mom always quarrel when he was drunkard.

I had seen his drunkard behavior, from day to night, so it was bad memories for me and my brother.


June 27, 2016 at 6:26 pm

I don’t mind if a person has an occasional social drink, but I have a very low tolerance for drunks. That being said, I have no idea where you get the idea that a sober guy will a) always be home or b) be boring. Man or woman, we all have plenty of other reasons to be away from home that have nothing at all to do with drinking. Work is a very common one!

Man or woman, we all have plenty of other reasons to be away from home that have nothing at all to do with drinking. Work is a very common one! As for being boring because one spends a lot of time at home or doesn’t get drunk, really? If him being himself or spending time at home is boring, either you need to grow up or you’re with the wrong man!

June 27, 2016 at 6:52 pm

Am happy for you its a good thing your hubby has an allergy to alcohol that’s so cool i must say. As for your dad am sorry about that i thank God that even though my dad was a drinker he never quarreled or became a nuisance to anybody we never saw any negative behaviors in him towards my mum or me and my siblings but all in all i also don’t like alcohol.

June 27, 2016 at 6:56 pm

I agree with you that not all sober people are boring i guess i didn’t mention that a few of them are you may find someone who is not adventurous always wants to stay home and study or play games all day stuff like that geeks if i must say i have nothing against them though those were just my thoughts i have nothing against any sober person.