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May 7, 2016 at 2:32 am

My first dog was a 6 year old Boston Terrier named Batman. I had gotten him from my niece who was moving and could not have dogs at the new place, so I agreed to take him. He was not used to children and had a hard time getting used to them wanting to be in his face and playing with him. He actually bit my daughter twice that required stitches and then he bit my sister on the thumb really bad. I had already decided to give him away, so after that happened he went to a shelter that would work with him and then find him a home that only had an older adult instead of one with children.

I ended up getting another dog that a neighbor was getting rid of. She is a Pit Bull and 10 months old right now. Her name is Bella and she is the sweetest and most loving dog I have ever known. She is very patient with the children and will let them get in her face. We all love her very much and am glad that she is part of our family.

What about you? What kind of dog/dogs do you have?

May 7, 2016 at 2:59 am

I have a mutt, half pit bull and half boxer! On the contrary to common reputation, my pit bull is very sweet and behaving quite well. He would let us do whatever we want to him when he is sleepy, and adapts to changes like charm.

He will be 2 years old the end of June. He has an intense love for toys and treats, but prefer to be with human when we are around. He also doesn’t mind his kennel when he is home alone though.

May 7, 2016 at 5:02 am

To be honest, I don’t know the breeds of my dog. I know I have a crossbreed of some breeds because my dogs don’t look like the same. I have five dogs and there are two dogs that are adults and three younger ones. The two adults have been with us for a long time while the three ones are here with us three years ago. They do not get along. I thought the relationship is good but sometimes it is full of jealousy that leads to having a brawl inside the house. On my dogs, there is someone which picked me as his person. You know he is your dog and you are his person, like that, the term. The youngest dog Gelo is my dog and I am his person.

May 9, 2016 at 6:22 am

All of the Pit Bulls that I have personally know have been very mild tempered and have not been aggressive. I think they get a bad rap and people like to just go by what they have heard on the news. While Pit Bulls can be trained to be fighters, if you do not train them this way, they are very mild mannered. Bella is really sweet and gentle even when I feed her by hand. We can be in her face and kissing her and she will do nothing. She loves to be next to me on the couch and does not like to be left alone. She will tear things up if we are gone. I will have to get her a kennel when we move to our new house, since I am probably going to have to get an offline job and she will be home for many hours alone.

@grecy I do not think that I could handle having 5 dogs. I can understand that they will fight and get jealous of each other. I know how it goes when a dog picks you as his human and I think that bond is great. I love animals because they will love you unconditionally and do not mind what you look like or how much money you have. It is too bad people cannot be like this.

May 9, 2016 at 6:44 am

When I was young my mum used to keep stray dogs on the road as our pets.

We used to have 3 dogs, 2 males and 1 female.

These 2 male dogs brought back the female dog one day and it became our pet.

It wasn’t hard to keep up with 3 dogs because the older dog , Brownie was very simple and easy going while Blackie the bigger dog was the guard dog but it had too many fleas that came from the female dog that they had brought home.

My mum had to bath the dogs every week and yes they hated bath. They would escape hiding under the car. We , had to drag them out and leashed them to take a bath and Boy! they sure were smelly.


May 9, 2016 at 7:04 am

@peachpurple  I can understand that was hard to give them baths. My Bella does not like to get a bath either and it is hard to get in the tub when she uses all her muscles to stay in one place. She is getting too heavy to pick her up, so that makes it all the more difficult to give her a bath. Once she is in there she is fine, it is just the process of getting her in there.

May 10, 2016 at 5:00 am

We have had a bull terrier, a dalmatian, and a few mixed breeds. Now we have a mixed breed. She just walked into our life literally when our gate was open – a wee bit of a puppy. She is now 9 years old and a source of happiness


  • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by  bestwriter.

May 10, 2016 at 5:07 am

I tried to add an image thrice but nothing happened.

May 10, 2016 at 5:25 am

I think Dalmatians are beautiful dogs. My sister used to have Keeshonds and they were very nice dogs too. The only other breeds that I have been around are Beagles and I love them. They are good dogs, too. I wished you could have uploaded a picture. I have not figured that out except on blog posts. Not sure if you can do it in the forums.

May 10, 2016 at 11:08 am

I have had dogs as pets since childhood. My first dog was a lovely white pomerian who stayed with me for sixteen long years. Currently I have five years old pug named Doodle. He is the most stubborn and laziest dog I ever had and yet he is so adorable.

May 10, 2016 at 7:25 pm

@shaloo  I agree pugs are so adorable and my daughter is obsessed with them. I have heard that they are great family dogs and good with children. I do not usually like smaller dogs, but I would make an exception for a pug. I have not had good experiences with pomeranians. A friend of mine had one and every time I was at her house, the dog would attack me. I called it the devil dog because it was so evil to me. I guess everyone has their favorite dogs. I am glad that you were able to have that dog for so long.

September 1, 2016 at 4:02 pm

So sad, I no longer have a pet dog this time. When I started teaching, I no longer have time to pet a dog. I always long to have a pet. I am a dog lover, in fact, when I was a teenager and college at that time, I had 4 pet dogs Gabby, Snooky, Whity and Baupper. How I wanted to have a pet a dog, but my sister at home strongly disagree to pet a dog for there are children at home ages 4 and 6 and afraid they be bitten by dog.No matter how I support my contention of liking to pet a dog, still I am on dismay of my intention and interest.Good for all those who have pet dog.

November 19, 2016 at 11:18 pm

@cely  I am sorry that you can’t have a dog right now. We never had pets growing up and I always wanted one. Dogs are such good additions to families if you have the right kind. They are a lot of work though with feeding, walking, and cleaning up after. I am glad that the one I have is short haired and it doesn’t really look like I have dog hair all over. Not to mention the expense that they can cause you for flea medicine, heart worm medicine and regular vet visits. Hopefully, one day you will have a dog in your family.

November 20, 2016 at 5:59 am


I just have one now. I finally managed to upload this image.

November 24, 2016 at 9:12 am

I have three dogs. I have one dog that is classified as a bully type pit bull. He (NuNu) is the biggest baby  I have ever seen. I have a female chihuahua. She (Chloe) is more of a guard dog than my pit bull is. She runs off any stray dogs that come around. Then the last dog I have is actually the puppy of the first two. Yes, I know it’s strange and unheard of to hear a pit bull mating with a chihuahua but hey it happened. So Gizmo is half pit bull and half chihuahua.