Share your beauty tips, ideas or any good stuff related to beauty and style.
Richard William joined the group Beauty & Style 7 years ago
Celestyne posted an update in the group Beauty & Style 8 years ago
We are wearing trendy cloth with glamorous model
Celestyne joined the group Beauty & Style 8 years ago
Mark Jordan posted an update in the group Beauty & Style 8 years ago
Well we are all wearing our gitch to the side this year
Mark Jordan joined the group Beauty & Style 8 years ago
rosalba shahidi posted an update in the group Beauty & Style 8 years ago
Hello, I’m a licensed stylist for 25 years, 22 behind the chair. Here is a easy tip to add a little extra shine to your hair. After drying your hair or even after it naturally dries. Use a blow drier on the cold setting a blow dry the hair. The cold air leaves the hair with a little extra shine.
rosalba shahidi joined the group Beauty & Style 8 years ago
everest hike joined the group Beauty & Style 8 years ago
Ta.S Art & Craft joined the group Beauty & Style 8 years ago
DR KOKIL AGARWAL started the topic HOW TO COPE UP WITH MAKE UP DAMAGE in the forum Beauty & Style 8 years ago
If I have to go out for parties for few days constantly wearing make up is becomes mandatory. But every time i put makeup my skin gets badly damaged.
It becomes so dry and dull. I can also see pores appearing on my cheeks. I simply don’t know how to revitalize my skin. It takes around a week to restore the original skin texture.
My skin is…[Read more]
DR KOKIL AGARWAL joined the group Beauty & Style 8 years ago
Rosie joined the group Beauty & Style 8 years ago
San posted an update in the group Beauty & Style 8 years ago
Shopping Bees
Arq e Gulaab – pure Rose Water
If any part of your skin is inflamed or is suffering from irritation, rose water is the best remedy to soothe it.
Rose water can also be used as a skin cleanser. It removes dirt and bacteria from the skin and gives it a radiant glow.
Often, men get cuts on their face after…[Read more]
Sunnah of Trimming Nails
Zaid bin Arqam (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said that, ‘He who does not remove bodily hair from below the navel, and does not trim the nails, and does not trim his mustache, is not one of us.’ i.e. it is against our practice.
To grow…[Read more]
San joined the group Beauty & Style 8 years ago
RAJU joined the group Beauty & Style 8 years ago
Elom ikechukwu awoke joined the group Beauty & Style 8 years ago
cely joined the group Beauty & Style 8 years ago
alina replied to the topic Make-up makes you look older? in the forum Beauty & Style 9 years ago
yes indeed. just the other day I saw a woman that I’m sorry to say was in fact looking like a clown. she was wearing red lipstick, orange blush and some kind of blue eye-shadow….wayy too much if you would ask me
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Make-up makes you look older? in the forum Beauty & Style 9 years ago
I think it all depends on how or what kind of makeup you wear, because there are different types. from the experience and what i know, is that there is a certain way that makeup is supposed to be worn or applied, and if that is not done the right way then you find yourself looking much older than you were. but makeup conceals some stuff on us thus…[Read more]