According to the dictionary, handwork is work done with our hands, but not by machines. This includes drawing, painting, crafting, crocheting, knitting, sewing, woodworking, cooking, soap making, etc.
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Do you cut hair for others or yourself?
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I think hair cutting can be considered as handwork as well, as it’s using our hands, not by machine. I just had my haircut yesterday. I have not been cutting mine since a month ago, I think. I’d like to cut it before my baby comes, as I don’t think I have the luxury to hide myself in the bathroom for more than 30 minutes. I started to cut my own hair since last year. It’s so convenient for me now, as my hair is quite thick, and I always like it to be short and lighter. So, it’s good for me to just cut it whenever I like. I am not a person who likes to go to saloon, and I do not need any nice hairstyle, so I am fine with my own hair cutting skill. Though it’s not really nice, nobody else cares actually. I also cut hair for my children and my husband too. My husband also enjoys cutting his hair, but needs my help to cut the back of his hair. He also cuts hair for the children too. It seems like hair cutting is a good family activity at our home now. Well, my children did cut each other’s hair before too, without us knowing. Do you cut hair for others or yourself?
Not at all LOL I’m not good with scissors and i don’t want to mess up with others head nor mine I always go to saloon everytime i want to trim my hair or get new hair cut. However, when i was in elementary, my aunt also done my hair cut, either for add some layer or trimmed it if it’s too long – especially for my bangs. She went to hair styling school so she’s kinda expert.
Yes, I do. But I prefer to leave my hair to be done by somebody else as I am not so handy to get it done right, unless I want to shave all off. |
Your little kids are so cute. My daughter when she was a toddler, cut her own hair too. I noticed that the tip of her hair was hanging in the air, very cute and adorable. I asked her how she did that. She couldn’t remembered either. But she did it. I also cut my own hair for the past 10 years. After I had given birth to my son who is 9 years old now, I cut my own hair when I take a shower. Look at the mirror, firstly comb the hair straight. trim the left hand side first. Then clutch part of the left hand side hair with the right hand side. See the difference, cut off the longer hair. Although the length isn’t even, some short some long, as you had mentioned nobody is going to look at me when I am a homemaker.
it is fortunate to have someone close to you to cut your hair. Free hair cut is even better, doesn’t matter the hair fashion. My sister law’s neighbor is a home hairdresser. Hence, since young, her daughters had been having hair cuts from her but not FREE. Maybe a little cheaper than the usual price. Yes, not everyone has the talent in handling scissors @rapidblue/ yup majority ladies prefer to have the professional hair dresser to do the cutting. Regular hair dresser would be better since he/she knows your style, right? |
Yes, I cut my own hair and I do a much better job than at the salon! I have tried it countless of times and I was always unhappy with the way my hair turned out, and then I ended up shaping it to how I like it. I also cut my children’s hair up until they were about 10 years old when looking cool is matter to them. My daughter still asks me to cut her hair once in a while because after I trimmed her hair, she was so much more please than paying someone hundreds of dollars then coming home unhappy! |
@peachpurple my spouse cuts my hair, I am not so capable to do it on my own. |
@haraka I am not good with scissors either, I did cut my fingers accidentally, but perhaps I am just too lazy to go to saloon. It’s good that you have an aunt who went to hair styling school, so she can always help you with your hair. Is she a hairdresser now? Does she still do your hair for you? @rapidblue My husband doesn’t mind to let me cut his hair, as he said, if it’s really very bad, he’d just shave all off, it doesn’t really matter. So, this gave me confidence to try out with his hair. Glad that no one else has complained about it and he has not needed to shave all off. It’s good to have your spouse cut your hair for you too! @peachpurple Sometimes I think when we do too much DIY at home, children will learn that too. My son cut my little girl’s hair when she was a toddler too. Glad that they didn’t hurt themselves with the scissors. But, it’s a big shock for other people. It’s good that you cut your own hair too. It’s quite fun, isn’t it? I cut my hair when I take a shower too. I just think it’s so convenient to do it ourselves. Since mine is short hair, so it’s even easier. @icybc Yes, I agree with you. Perhaps I do not really have a hairdresser that I am happy with, so I think cutting my own hair is a better choice. Moreover, I do not need a stylish hair, I just want it to be simple. Do you mean having a haircut in your country cost hundreds of dollars? Just to trim the hair? |
I have a brother who used to cut hair but he is sick and can’t hold his hands steady any more. I tried to cut my own hair but it turns out when I decide to get a hair cut the salon lady gives me a GI cut to get things growing back evenly. I like it short that way I don’t have to fool with it. Washing my hair is easier with it very very short also. Barbering is a good thing to learn and I think it’s the best way to earn extra money too. Our next door neighbor is a retired barber and he cuts hair from his house on weekends in his garage. I wonder what he charges for a regular hair cut? Hmm |
I braid my own hair, but I only cut a bangs not the whole hair. I haven’t done it. At YouTube, there are people who cut their own hair and they will tell others how they do that. It is a quite amazing skill. You are very talented for doing that @peachpurple. I hope you will try to let us do it. How did you learned cutting your hair? I let my hair to be cut either with my mother or in the saloon. |
honestly, I learned from the hairdresser. Whenever my daughter has a hair cut, I accompanied her. So, I sit on the sofa, observed how the lady hairdresser cut her hair. Gradually, I cut my own hair, ugly, uneven, I don’t care, at least I saved money for the past 10 years. My son prefers I cut his hair too. Looks alike a coconut head!! Maybe I should write a post how to trim own hair, thanks for the idea! |
@peachpurple I do none of this but I let a hairdresser do the job for me. Yes, if you count shaving facial hair then I am doing this job for myself for decades as I haven’t spent a single cent on this particular head. |
I don’t think it’s a very good idea for me personally to do hair cutting, as I would likely leave the hair terribly crooked! But I grew up having my mother trim my hair when I needed it, as I never got the cut I wanted at the salon, and the hair dressers never knew what to do with my long, thick hair. And I do mean thick! I broke down when I had my high school graduation ball, and made an appointment with the hair dresser to have my hair styled. I wanted to do a fancy braid that I knew how to do, but that was difficult to do on my own hair. My mother didn’t know how, so we thought it best for me to go to the salon. The hair dresser there actually had to ask another hair dresser to help her hold my hair while she braided (I told you my hair is extra thick!) She did a terrible job with the braid, and then didn’t even take the time to blow dry my hair or sit me under the dryer, so I wouldn’t leave the salon with a wet head. By the time I started to get dressed for the ball, my hair was coming out of the braid! I ended up having to pull the whole thing apart and start again! This time I did the part that I could, showed my mother what I wanted, and described how to do it. My sister came over to watch, and gave additional directions because she could see better. In the end, it looked far better than the hair dresser’s shoddy work. And it was free! I still dislike going to the hair dresser. This is only one of several times they’ve messed up my hair… |
By the way, I meat to say that in our family MamaOzzy, my oldest daughter is the designated hair cutter. She is very artistic. and loves to read books about hair styling or to watch YouTube videos showing how to do certain hair styles or cuts. She uses the shaver to cut her Daddy’s hair and her younger brother’s. But she uses the scissors to cut her own hair and the hair of her two sisters. She does quite a good job! My hair I just keep long, so the most she usually does for me is a trim. But with her sisters she has done cute pixie cuts, and I guess our littlest wants that again so she’ll be cool for the summer. They look so sweet in them too! I’m glad I have a daughter who can do this job, as I’d be terrible at it. And with six of us in the family, paying the salon would get really expensive! |
@peachpurple I was laughing while reading you cut your hair, uneven and you don’t care! It seems you are a cool person!! That is why we jived. You are very observant on that case. I, too observed haircutters when they are cutting hairs, but I never learned or maybe I never learn to try? My mother knows how to cut hair. I remember she cut my hair before, she put a big bowl on my head and followed the pattern of the bowl to make the cut even. I cannot complained but honestly, I don’t like my hair before. I know she is doing it to save money or maybe because she wants to be the one that cuts our hair. And yeah, I have a coconut hair before too. Even my brothers and sister do. @ruby3881 I agree, some hairdresser doesn’t know what they are doing. I hope some of them are willing to make their client to look and feel good.
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