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May 11, 2016 at 11:14 am

Coloring for Adult

Adult Anti-Stress Hobbies

Image Source: Google

Coloring for Adult have become a popular hobbies and new trends. It’s already highlight by many therapist that coloring for adult could help people to feel relax and calm. There’s a lot of research that supports the health benefits of Coloring for Adult for stress relief, relaxation, focus, creativity and in social groups. You can find lots of interesting Coloring for Adult books at the local book store with affordable price or you can find the printable image on the internet.

You can share anything about Coloring for Adult in here. Photos of your finished project, or share new coloring book or images that you just bought or found on internet, or maybe share your experience and tips about some of coloring techniques.

Happy Coloring ^_^

  • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by  Haraka.

May 11, 2016 at 6:07 pm

This is so beautiful! I have always been seeing those blank coloring pages, without colors. Colors are really like magic, as they make the blank page becomes so impressive! I feel calm and peaceful even looking at your work.

I notice that there are some uncolored areas. Did you color it white, not yet color, or purposely leave them uncolored?

Also, I think it’s good to buy a good quality set of color pencils, am I right?

May 12, 2016 at 5:43 am

Oh I love this thread. It makes me want to buy adult coloring books for myself. I will do it when I am already earning steady income. I love the colors, for sure it will brighten up my day. I want to buy my father this one and I hope he able to appreciates this.

May 13, 2016 at 1:19 am

@grecy095 I think there are many free coloring pages to download, and I read that there are apps for this as well, though I do not know how the coloring apps work. Before you actually buy the coloring books, perhaps you can also download some free pages to color, just for fun and perhaps it will make you feel better now. 🙂

It’s good that you are buying for your father, and hope he will like it as well.

May 13, 2016 at 1:26 pm

@kaka135 I know he will like it. Maybe he will not touching it for the first day but sure if I will leave it with him he will start to get curious and I will find him coloring it. I was addicted to coloring books while I was a new employee of my first employer, that is because I was so stressed.

I will try the app. thanks

May 20, 2016 at 4:54 pm


The coloring apps it’s quite easy to use, you just need to tap on an area and it automatically colored it. It’s so easy and you will never messed  up because the color will always inside the line and you can undo it if you don’t like the color 🙂

But i prefer to used the apps for trying mixing the color, to check how this color pair with that color, the i can apply it on traditional coloring book.



Indeed! It will help you releasing  your stress, hows your new work? Wish you a good luck in there ^^

Have you tried the apps? Wait for you to share your works in here 🙂

May 20, 2016 at 5:07 pm

Let me share another work of mine. This one is not my recent finished project though. I think i finsihed this one several months ago. This was the first time i tried gradients  techniques  – so it’s still far from perfect, and i used baby oil to created the effect.

Snow White

This one from different coloring book that i had shared before. This coloring book contains  images that inspired from fairytales story. I found this book is really fun because it’s like back to my childhood  time and enjoy the nostalgic stories 🙂

Could you guess from which story this one is?

Enjoy ^^

May 20, 2016 at 6:17 pm

Adult coloring books is something I want to get into.  Maybe when I get paid here, I can either get a printer/copier/ scanner so I download some pictures.  Or buy coloring books and colors or colored pencils!!

May 20, 2016 at 7:00 pm

@haraka It seems like it’s really a big project to do the coloring. You need to try out the color mixture, different techniques such as gradients, and even create the effect! But I think it’s really enjoyable and fun to do so.

I think if I am going to try it, I would still prefer to color it on the coloring book. I guess it’s very much different from just tapping the area and applying the color.

To me, your coloring skill is already perfect! But, I remember when I attended a clay making class, the teacher said, the beauty of handmade work is because it’s never perfect, but it’s always unique. 🙂

I like this coloring book as well. I guess it’s nice when it’s related to a fairy tale. I would like to guess, but I really can’t tell which story this is. I hope someone will guess it correctly soon.

@4cryingoutloud That’s a good plan! So you have the motivation to work harder now! 😀
Hope you will be able to cash out soon and buy the coloring book!

May 27, 2016 at 6:42 pm

I love to color.  I started again when I worked a practical nurse who also did activity therapy. I also do some needlepoint and I do latchhook (hooked rugs).  I like the pictures when they are finished. It is almost like a painting except with thread and yarn.

May 29, 2016 at 6:56 pm

Oh I remember this adult coloring book. I wonder if I could color it inside a vehicle while I am stuck in traffic, lol. I love to have one. If I will receive my salary this week I will try to check out coloring books at the school supplies store and starts coloring at home when I cannot log in in the site.