just a place to post recommendations of anime to watch or just discuss anime in general.
Jessie started the topic Fairy Tail: Making a Return? in the forum Anime recommendations/discussions 7 years ago
Okay, the Dragon Cry movie was horrid. The wait I went through to see that movie wasn’t worth it and just made me want to see more good Fairy Tail. I know there is a final season coming, but when will it be here???
The creator has also teased that he is making a continuation and a spin off to the anime and possibly the manga, but I just don’t…[Read more]
Jessie White posted an update in the group Anime recommendations/discussions 7 years ago
I love anime, but I get a little picky. Right now, my favorite anime has to be Fairy Tail. It’s a great anime, even though it has a slow start. After the first handful of episodes I was hooked.
Jessie joined the group Anime recommendations/discussions 7 years ago
Axel Garcia started the topic Who do you think will be the next MUGIWARA CREW MEMBER! in the forum Anime recommendations/discussions 7 years ago
Who do you think will be the next MUGIWARA CREW MEMBER!
Axel Garcia posted an update in the group Anime recommendations/discussions 7 years ago
Well I can suggest 7 Anime
1. One piece It is really great anime I guess the most popular anime in Asia.
2. Naruto. Naruto is a ninja thing, Naruto is the main character, he has a sad childhood being left alone by his parents and living on his own in since he was a child, to make story short he became a great ninja and protector of their…[Read more]
Axel Garcia joined the group Anime recommendations/discussions 7 years ago
Yash Acharya posted an update in the group Anime recommendations/discussions 7 years ago
I started my anime journey with Dragon Ball then Dragon Ball Z and then one of the big three,Naruto. One of the most awesome journey which has yet to see its end as different types of Anime keeps coming. Any one who is looking to start their anime journey here, I suggest to follow this order. Also don’t forget the Avatar- The last Air bender…[Read more]
Yash Acharya joined the group Anime recommendations/discussions 7 years ago
mohammed waqqad posted an update in the group Anime recommendations/discussions 8 years ago
when the time growing up would have to be Inuyasha. I also very much loved kenshion.
mohammed waqqad joined the group Anime recommendations/discussions 8 years ago
marsgalex posted an update in the group Anime recommendations/discussions 8 years ago
Would anyone be interested in an anime roleplaying community here in literacyBase? I just thought roleplaying would be all good for entertainment, socializing, and harnessing english writing skills
marsgalex joined the group Anime recommendations/discussions 8 years ago
Shauni Williams posted an update in the group Anime recommendations/discussions 8 years ago
One of my favorite anime that I use to love watching all the time growing up would have to be Inuyasha. I also very much loved kenshion.
Can’t count how many times i’ve watched inuyasha but still haven’t finished this series yet lol
Shauni Williams joined the group Anime recommendations/discussions 8 years ago
suny replied to the topic Dragon Ball Z in the forum Anime recommendations/discussions 9 years ago
@ Ваљон I suggest you to follow @bestwriter because you have copied it from Wikipedia. I think the site allowing copy pasted content gets low rating and their advertiser make a distance.
suny joined the group Anime recommendations/discussions 9 years ago
peachpurple replied to the topic Dragon Ball Z in the forum Anime recommendations/discussions 9 years ago
Honestly, i used to watch dragon ball with my brother and then with my daughter.
It is a long long episode for this anime
Howver my son doesn’t watch this, he prefers max steel, the robotic and a chap
The animation is different too
bestwriter replied to the topic Dragon Ball Z in the forum Anime recommendations/discussions 9 years ago
You have copied this post from the Net which is a violation. I suggest that you delete this post and write something in your own words You have copied it from
bestwriter joined the group Anime recommendations/discussions 9 years ago
Ваљон started the topic Dragon Ball Z in the forum Anime recommendations/discussions 9 years ago
Hello i opened this topic, as I saw there is not any for this, and thought it would be me to give a credit to this wonderful anime. Let this discussion be the official topic about Dragon Ball Z, and discuss further things about upcoming episodes, goofs, favorite moments, in here.
I would like to point out that Dragon Ball Z is an Japanese anime…[Read more]