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September 13, 2016 at 5:28 pm

Where are those 300  young girls kidnapped by boko haram? Until this time, they are in the hands of the captives. I am also wondering whether they are still alive or not.The parents of these young girls are so pitiful.Maybe other parents perished due to too much agony of their  lost love.These boko haram might be protectors of ISIS the international terrorists.

September 16, 2016 at 3:49 pm

The 300 girls have not been rescued till date, few escaped anyway, some impregnated, forced into doing things against their own wish, becoming sex slaves and lots more. What surprises more is that the government is doing more or less nothing about getting these girls back, they treat it like a hot water that suddenly became cold. There are parents out there wiping and wishing their kids come back home and the nation says all is under control. I believe the truth should be said, they lost control but national pride won’t let them say it. the nation needs foreign help to fight the Boko haram which has crippled eventually  70 percent of the national, economic and financial growth of the country.

September 16, 2016 at 4:09 pm

@jarik. This was an international news, and it shook the planet. You are right, so big is the world and why on earth they cannot eliminate all these bad elements like the boko haram, the ISIS and other kind of pests that dwell on this beautiful earth owned by God. Yes, I have read about the harsh destinies of some chick-book girls made slave, made sex withe their devil captivates and their future turned like hell. The world is so big and they seem forgetting about these very innocent young girls.I feel what these kidnapped girls feel. I pray God to save their lives from harm and may they can escape from the bad hands and return to their beloved family. They need their parents tight hug.So sickening and I cannot avoid my tears to fall…

January 25, 2017 at 3:38 pm

Well about 20+ had returned and was calibrated and I wonder the over 200+ where they are ,mehn its painful situation to find your child in this mess after a very long period of time.

What do this guys want religion or leadership.

Nigeria has a supreme law and ad a government you can never fight a government and succeed. God recognized the government.God will all see us through.

January 25, 2017 at 6:40 pm

@Edidiong Joseph, They are terrorists so they do not want religion in their lives, in fact, they hate religion and killed many religious places and people.Those kidnapped  girls are made slaves and wives by those ISIS. They do not have love in their hearts so they never pity those victims they beheaded and raped.

They are devils walking on earth.

January 25, 2017 at 8:11 pm

@ cely,someone said they more they kill they more their reward in their paradise.

If you check world over ISIS are mos times the most successful.

They are not after religion what are they after,do they want to end the world or they want to rule the world?

January 26, 2017 at 5:04 am

@EdidiongJoseph, That is true, the more they would ve cruel to the world if religion is mentioned and if they are not given what they like and of course what they like will never be granted by the peace loving world.Yes, they wanted to rule the earth .They forget that there are only few of them compared to the billion peace lovers, so they better give themselves a chance to be happy which is so impossible for I believed they are born that way hard to convince and hard to discipline. During their tender years , they might have been neglected by their loved ones and created a world of their own.A world that shakes the planet earth and its people.

I pity those young kidnapped girls; others may be dead this time; others might have become slaves, and others might have forced themselves to join terrorism to survive and escape death from their captives.