Author Posts

June 8, 2016 at 8:54 pm

In my family, my mom says it all.

Whatever she says, everyone has to follow.

Even though my dad is the sole bread winner of the household, only my mom has the final decision in everything.

However, now that I am married with 2 kids, my hubby has the winner card.

He is the bread winner of the family and he says everything.

If he says no, that means a FIRM NO, nobody could overturn his decision.

If he says yes, that means “yeah! Yahoo !” to me and my kids.

The person who makes the final decision in a family has to bear all the responsibilities of the consequences.

So, it is not easy to be the one who says it all.

So, who decides in your family?

Mom or dad?

You or your spouse?

June 8, 2016 at 10:12 pm

I guess my family is a traditional type. The final say will always be the head of the family. However, the final decision is always laid in cards. There will be an active participation of the family members and discuss the pros and cons. Then, the final verdict will still be the head of the family.

June 8, 2016 at 11:06 pm

Because my husband is gone working much of the time he doesn’t handle many of the small, day-to-day decisions. I take care of things like appointments, giving permission for the kids to go out for a few hours, having friends sleep over, etc.

But for the bigger matters, I always make sure to discuss it with him before telling the kids what has been decided. And no matter whether it’s big or small, we always communicate with our kids why they can or can’t do something, and we try to involve them in the decision-making process.

June 8, 2016 at 11:48 pm

I am a single parent so I have all the say. Sometimes, it would be nice not to have the full responsibility to make all the decisions. I try to involve the kids and have them discuss why they think they should be able to do something. I also try to explain my reasons behind my decision. They do not always like the decision but they get over it and it is on to the next thing. It is a hard situation sometimes especially when I really need another person’s point of view. In that case, I talk to my sister who has actually helped me raise them since my oldest was about 3-4 years old. It is nice to have her whenever my daughter gets too out of control, I can just tell her to take care of  her “daughter.”

June 12, 2016 at 3:40 pm

In our family, my father says it all but my mother contradicts so they will fight first before coming into one decision. Actually, they ask their children on ideas too but sometimes it was not followed and their decision will reign. Even when I am putting money on the table, they both has something to say. Sometimes the tough decision comes from my father but he usually makes mistakes so he listens to his children.