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November 5, 2016 at 11:37 am

I visited Puttaparthi the place of Bhagwan Sai Baba in the year 2009 as informed in my previous post.

I was criticizing Baba when I was studying my M.Sc., in physics. I was in a hostel and enjoying life with all friends. The evenings were meant for discussions, parties, meetings, friends get-together, playing games, going to movies. It was totally a luxurious life. Each and everybody was visiting the Room.No.9 in Ganga Hostel where I was in. People and friends were crazy to pick up some discussion with me.

Puttaparthi was a journey of 1hr from the University. I could use this one hour and have visited this place at any time that I was wasting . But I avoided visiting this place for I had a bad opinion on Bhagwan. I was even criticizing in bitter terms during the discussions.

The Education was over . I appeared for a competitive examination and came out successfully . Got a good appointment in the Seat of Administration.

In the year 1999 father became ill. He was admitted to a hospital and he expired. My mother got heart problem and she was taken to hospital for the treatment but she could not come out from the hospital with life. I could bring only her lifeless body.

Now I became alone. Almost an Orphan. There was no one to stand beside me when I was carrying her body. It was a phase of awakening. I realized who are the important people in one’s life. It taught me a lesson.

In that bitter situation, there was only a friend who stood beside me and assisted me a lot. Though he was from a Scheduled Caste /Tribe (I do not know exactly.I never wanted to also). Afterward, the relatives found their time to visit and see me. My brother-in-law and sister were residing on the upstairs. He was a regular devotee of Sai Baba. But, I was not as usual.

After performing and completing the last rites of my parents I was feeling sad about the position I was placed in. The office staff advised me to join duty to come out of the stress. I had not made up my mind and was thinking on whether to join duty or not.

I was sleeping regularly at 10.30 after reading some books. But after the demise of my parents, I was going to bed soon after the dinner at my convenient time.

One day I felt sleep while reading a book. Closed the book and laid on the bed. Just closed my eyes recollecting my parents.

Suddenly, I a color photo of Bhagwan appeared in front of me on the wall. The wall was whitewashed. For a second I could not understand what was I seeing right in front of my eyes on the wall.  He was smiling at me and was in blessing posture raising his hand. I did not reveal it to anyone. My only doubt was why should he appear before me and what made him do like that. I was not even his devotee. I never attended his Bhajans or Prayers. I never placed even his photo in my bedroom. I took it lightly. I looked at my watch . It was the only I had no scientific reason to explain this.  Even then, I paid little attention to this incident.

The next day. It was around 11.20 pm I saw a brilliant light at the same place on the wall. There was a small bed lamp in the room to give some light. But, after seeing the bring illumination on the wall I turned my head to see the bed light. It was not visible for me. So I got it confirmed that what I have seen was an illumination of light only. It was a powerful divine torch.  I really wondered with this experience.

The next day I discussed the incidents with my colleague who was a devotee. He felt very happy about it. He could not say anything. He only said “YOU ARE THE LUCKIEST AND BHAGWAN HAD BLESSED YOU’.

He further told me that Bhagwan gives darshan usually to his devotees. But nobody had got his darshan in the form of ‘illumination’.