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March 14, 2017 at 12:02 pm

We’re already experiencing heatwave upon heatwave here in the Philippines. And since it is also a great time to spend time outdoors, what are some activities that are really popular in your place during the Summer season?

Ours, of course, is anything that has to do with the beach. (I can’t wait to feel the waves again).

Plus the ice-cold snacks everywhere.

The great is fun but still too much to bear.

March 27, 2017 at 7:28 pm

Well, first of all the rising temperatures make me think that getting AC servicing done is very near. Then, we will be avoiding going out in sun, but that is not always possible.
We will be eating more of watermelons and ice-creams.
And yes water intake will rise.

March 27, 2017 at 9:01 pm

Since we live in the province, almost every summer, we prepare the place for visitors that will be having their vacation.

We go to the beach to take a dip in the sea and build sand castles for our children.

March 28, 2017 at 9:04 pm

I envy you. I’ve always wanted to go to the beach but I seem to not find the time to pack my bags and go. I will try this summer because I feel like Im missing out on a lot of things.

March 29, 2017 at 6:30 pm

The weather in India is not that good nowadays. There is an increase of 0.6 degrees in the last year’s temperature for the same month of March. The atmosphere is totally polluted. We are unable to move out. This is only March and we have to cross May also. I do not know how the people will suffer.

I go out of my house and play Table Tennis along with my colleagues.
They are nice and good. I prefer playing with them to sweat out more. After that, we all go to a restaurant and have some snacks. I return home by 9 P.M. Table Tennis is my favorite game and I like it very much. When I stay at home I keep myself busy with DIY projects.

March 30, 2017 at 7:21 pm

I have found that activity such as swimming can be really good. One can learn how to be healthy with this activity. There are many people who teach their kids how to swim this way. Also another thing is to learning through crafts. Lot of DIY projects can help many people. They can also do some form of charity. And also helps someone with their job. Or do some internship. There are lot of things to do in life. It’s however worth doing one at a time.

March 31, 2017 at 7:04 am

I don’t usually go to the beach but when I pack my bags, I will definitely head to the nearest beach in the area.

April 4, 2017 at 9:10 pm

I love summer when I was in school because of the holidays but now I agree with you, it is too hot in my place and it’s like burning everyone. I usually for a beach like you said and also I spend most of the time in my garden because of the cool air and with a very good environment. And also sleeping under trees in afternoon hours is really awesome.

With my friends and family, I will go for a vacation in a nearby hill station with high altitude so that we can feel free from summer and also I can enjoy the vacation with my loved ones.

And also I will always visit amusement parks during the summer season and it is really nice to spend time on all the water rides which will wear off the heat.

Yes, I won’t spend summer without ice creams and juices and it all keeps me cool and energetic throughout the summer. And we need to take care of our health during summer to avoid skin diseases.