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May 5, 2016 at 5:34 am

Right now I haven’t had any sleep because I found out a bad news over the site I am in but I prefer not to talk about the name. I love that site and I do believe that it is not the end of everyone of us there. My topic now is, what is the longest waking time you had? For example, you had situations which you would love to share and what is the reason why you did not slept? I had mine for 34 hours because I was keeping myself awake. I went to work for 24 hours because there were no employee to replace me for 16 hours,  I don’t know what happened, and the rest of the hours I have to kept awake because it was my brother’s birthday. I was awake for 2 days, total of 34 hours.

May 5, 2016 at 7:25 am

only 20 hours nothing longer than that cause I really will go crazy!

May 5, 2016 at 7:30 am

the most is 12 hours, then I become a zombie.


It is hard to fall asleep when your mind is thinking or prodding over a trouble matter.

In addition to it, never drink caffeine beverages, you will have trouble sleeping.

Trust me

May 5, 2016 at 8:17 am

I suppose for me it’s around 28 or 30 hours. Sure can’t do that any more, though! These days I need a bit of a nap in the middle of the day 😉

May 5, 2016 at 8:30 am

I think longest waking hours I had was about 36 hours.  That was the time when I was takinh care of my mother in law at the hospital.

May 5, 2016 at 9:24 am

i can’t deprive myself from sleeping.. i can’t stand without sleeping so my longest waking time would only be less than 24 hours..

May 5, 2016 at 11:50 am

I can adjust with my waking time according to situation but remaining awake for more than 20 hours is kind of tough for me. However during my life I have had occasions when I stayed awake for 2 days or even more without going to bed. One such incident was when I had to go to bring my father from a distant place to attend the cremation of my grand mother and there was no way I could contact him on phone.

I traveled almost 14 hours on one side and it took almost 36 hours for me to fetch him and then other cremation related activities. I guess I remained awake for more than 2 full days or more.

May 5, 2016 at 12:59 pm

The longest time I was awake was 24 hours… I wouldn’t that anymore, we need to get some sleep. I was awake for that long. I don’t have that energy for the rest of the day.

May 5, 2016 at 6:57 pm

For me, it was probably 24-26 hours but it was long time ago when I was much younger. Now, I do have to shut down for catnaps during the day. I have problem with my vision so my eyes just close when they are tired! I can’t fight it either, because if I don’t rest, I can’t see anything!

May 5, 2016 at 9:24 pm

It is tiring when we are awake and look after my mil who is an Alzheimer patient. My fil is also too old and we stay awake and sometimes we get a few hours rest but are woken by her cries often. it is life and we do our duty

May 5, 2016 at 10:03 pm

I never thought that I have a lot of friends that has been awake for a long time, lol. But seriously, when I had my 34 hours of waking time, I felt I don’t have a head anymore. I think the reason is because not getting enough sleep lead us to having low blood or high blood in different situation.

June 21, 2016 at 5:50 am

Being awake for 34 hours is a breaking record.

That would be almost 2 days full sis.

You would had become a zombie with panda eyes, isn’t it?

But it is unhealthy for ladies especially our age.

Our skin texture on our face will sulken, and the eye sockets sunken too.

I had been using computer form morning to the next morning at 4 am for 2 years, chasing after korean dramas

My face shrunken and I looked older than my hubby.


June 22, 2016 at 5:25 am

Yes, I have darken my under eyes actually. I really look like sick, but anyway, I am sick at present so they correlate. I am always awake during the night now as it is the time there are lots of review at Humanatic and I am focus on earning money alone.

June 30, 2016 at 6:46 pm

can i really say how long i have been awake i think the best i have done is like 12 hours i don’t usually let something eat e up for so long it disrupts y whole day so i would rather avoid such situations.

June 30, 2016 at 6:53 pm

Your quite right peachpurple taking a lot of caffeine is not so healthy especially coffee, and i agree that it is not easy to catch sleep when something is bothering you i must say if ia  in such a predicament i would just take a sleeping pill so that i can sleep but i thank God that i don’t get that too often