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May 11, 2016 at 10:37 pm

What did you want to be when you grew up?  I wanted to be a teacher at one point.  I guess I fulfilled that as I had children and I worked as a Residential Manager for a group home for mentally challenged individuals.  I had to make plans for them to learn for in the “outside” world that they would be able to use.  Another time I wanted to be a singer or be in a band.  Well, I sing karaoke!!  That’s singing in front of people.  Another occupation was to be a writer.  I’ve written on several sites and have gotten paid.  So, yeah I guess I’ve fulfilled on my careers I wanted to be when I grew up!! 😉

How about you?  Have you achieved what you wanted to be when you grew up?  What do you want to be when you grow up?

May 11, 2016 at 11:07 pm

I wanted to be a police when i were a little kid

May 11, 2016 at 11:30 pm

Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to become a successful corporate lawyer. I studied well during my pre-law years. I went to law school and took the bar exam. Luckily, I made it.

Now, I’m a member of the legal profession handling corporate matters.


May 12, 2016 at 12:04 am

Same as you, I thought of being a teacher and writer when I was young. I think I have sort of fulfilled my dreams as a child.

As a mother and I am homeschooling my children, so I think I can be considered as a teacher or home educator now. Though I am not a professional writer, I am glad I have joined several writing sites and being able to earn a little from my own writing.

@shohana That’s really interesting. Here, I know many boys would always want to be police when they grow up. My brother also thought of becoming a police when he was young. Perhaps we watched some TV series about police when we were young.

@cookiemonster It’s really good that you have been wanting to become a lawyer when you were still a kid, and you have even made it! I guess not everyone will eventually work in the same field that they were dreaming of when they were kids. You are the lucky one!

By the way, welcome to the site! Hope you will enjoy spending time around. 🙂

May 12, 2016 at 12:09 am

Thank you for the warm welcome. I’m trying familiarize myself with the site and enjoying my stay here.

May 12, 2016 at 1:11 am

@shohana, may I ask why a police?  Nothing wrong with that, but just wondered if some one in your family was on the police force?

@cookiemonster, I wanted to be a paralegal at one time.  Glad your in the law field.

@kaka135 sounds like we have a lot in common! 😉


May 12, 2016 at 1:21 am

I like the way you think. You have made your dreams come true and are happy with your success. I think that is great. I never could figure out what I wanted to be and I am not sure what I wanted to be when I was younger. One reason I did not finish college the first time was because I could not figure out a major. I lost interest and ran out of money, so I put it on hold.

I was interested in writing, psychology, paralegal, and an environmental scientist just to name a few. Now I want to be able to work from home so that I can be a part of my children’s lives more. Hopefully, I will be able to write and do other things to be able to do this.

May 12, 2016 at 1:25 am

@morgoodie, as a parent all those interests you have as careers you perform as a parent, we just don’t get paid to do it!! lol  Yes, I thought psychology was an interesting field as well!!

May 12, 2016 at 5:21 am

@4cryingoutloud I dream to become a teacher too but I do believe I dream to be a doctor when I was young then I experienced to feel the pain from the injection, I don’t want to be a doctor anymore. What I dream to be was to become a sales lady because they are in the malls most of the time and they can able to see a lot of celebrities for sure. I was very shallow then.

Then I love to become a civil engineer because I want to build roads. Then a traffic enforcer to solve reason of heavy traffic, then I want to be an architecture and a painter, painter, the one who paints the big billboards lol. I think I have lots of “wants to be when I grow up” when I was young. I never dream that I will become a writer. But now I am a blogger and a full time procurement analyst.

May 12, 2016 at 10:54 am


When I was in kindergarten I wanted to be a nurse just like my mother – this came true cause I became a licensed nurse. When I was in Highschool, due to the influence of my history teacher, I decided I wanted to be a lawyer – I was only able to finish 2 years of pre-law (political science) and transferred to nursing. But as time flies by, I realized that all I wanted all along and which makes me so happy is to become a writer – it doesn’t matter what type. I wanted to create stories, tell stories, write anecdotes and make a headline. I guess, I’ve been pursuing the latter ever since. And although it’s tough; it’s by far the best realization I’ve ever had and it hasn’t changed one bit.

May 12, 2016 at 5:23 pm

Police because i watched a play on television where the heroine was police and i got inspired by her acting nothing else. It was silly wish dear @jodee

May 12, 2016 at 6:42 pm

@morgoodie I forgot to mention, one of my dream jobs when I was young (not too young) was becoming a mother. And Yes, the dream has come true! 😀

I always like to be with kids, and I thought of studying child education, but I ended up studying in Engineering, then changed to IT, as I like programming.

Being able to work from home is good. When I studied IT, I thought it’d be good if I can work from home as well, and now I really do. 😀

@grecy095 That’s not shallow at all, I think what you wanted to be are interesting! I have no idea what a procurement analyst does. It’s a foreign area to me.

@slayer08 It’s good to realize what we want, and go for it. Good for you! 🙂

@shohana That’s not silly at all! During my time, most police movies showing on TV are male police, but rarely female police, I guess that’s why most boys dreamed to become police, but not girls. It’s good to be a heroine! 🙂


May 12, 2016 at 7:10 pm

@kaka135  I wanted to be a mother too when I was younger, but I do not see it as a job though.

@JoDee You are right we do not get paid to perform all those jobs as a parent and most times it goes unappreciated too. But we still do it out of the love of our children and hope that one day they will realize everything we have done for them.

@shohana  I think your dream of being a police officer is great. I do not think it matters how you came to want to be this when you were young because we all get inspired in different ways. It is a great thing to want to make this world a better place and to be a positive role model for the next generation.

May 12, 2016 at 8:03 pm

@shohana, being a police officer is NOT a silly dream.  It is a very dangerous job, I’m sure if you could put your mind to it, you could be  very good police woman!! 😉

@grecy095, wanting to see celebrities is NOT shallow!  I think being a sales person at a clothing store in the mall would be fun, I’m sure you would get discounts!! 😉

May 13, 2016 at 1:35 pm

@kaka135 it is synonymous to Purchasing, the one that decide what to buy based on bidding results, quantity and discount. It is like smart buying when you are doing the grocery, you choose the best.

@4cryingoutloud here in our place they do not have discount, only the celebrities have the discount. I am laughing whenever I am sharing I want to be a sales lady. Thinking of standing for more than 9 hours and entertaining the customer, not an easy job at all.