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March 21, 2017 at 3:26 pm

@shantal that should happen with everyone… I think we all have different liking over the ages..

March 29, 2017 at 5:42 pm

My favorite color is generally Dark blue/Navy Blue/Ink Blue. But sometimes, I like white and Black colors also. Though I am not particular about colors, I happened to meet a person along with my friend who had some work with an Astrologer. This man was an Astrologer. He was telling nicely.

I evinced some interest though I am not a believer in Astrology. He said something and advised me to wear any color of my choice as it will not affect me and as per my horoscope, there is no color which does not suit me.

So finally I have decided to continue my own way of liking.

As per my scientific calculations, I should wear a black color.

April 1, 2017 at 6:32 pm

@shivamani whats the base of your scientific calculation?

Also you do not believe in astrology but you believe in horoscope.. seems funny.


And, I think most of the people wear based on their liking not based on horoscope.. ha ha ha..

April 1, 2017 at 7:18 pm

@ichchhemrityu and  @shivamani many people do wear clothes based on astrologers’ advice.

I do not follow as much but some people are recommended to wear those colors’ clothes which are their strong days and avoid their weak days colors. Some recommended ones are :

Green for Wednesday (Buddh)

Red for Tuesday (Mangal)

White for Friday (Shukra)

Yellow for Thursday  (Guru or Brihaspati)

And some people follow astrological recommendations very very madly.

But no, sanely I can’t follow that way as I think it’s better to follow religion in good faith than become rigid and become one with disturbed mind.

But if people wearing colors as per astrology get soothed by following that practice,  I don’t mind.

April 3, 2017 at 1:13 pm

I’ve always loved the color  baby blue, but sometimes it changes depending on my mood and whether I see a new color  that I love, but I eventually revert back to baby blue as my favorite color.

April 3, 2017 at 4:15 pm

My favourite colour is green.

But I am not always following the green colour in all the places. It mostly changes from times as well as mood as you said. When it comes to clothing pink and white attracts me more than anything else. I like blue too but occasionally I prefer it.

Yeah, as you said it changes according to mood for me and my interest towards it.