Author Posts

September 26, 2016 at 11:16 am

Hello Friends

Well, I have not received my pending payment from tiny cent yet. But look like we all get it today as I can see this message when I am opening any article there : “Here comes the TinyCent’s payment day.

It is always good to have any kind of payment for our work. Hope they do this thing more quickly though. But I won’t mind till they are paying. So congratulation to all users who are going to pay. Enjoy.

September 26, 2016 at 11:27 am

I have received an email from TinyCent last September 17 that I have to wait for 7 to 10 days. They’re processing my payment. They take that long for they’re going to verify and check the authenticity of the activities of their users for there are malicious and anomalous sharing of their posts. TC described it as traffic bombing technique. I don’t understand that but it is proper that they are doing that to protect the site from spammers.

September 26, 2016 at 11:37 am

Lots of payday day today. My gosh, I feel so jealous because I am not included in the list, maybe I have to devote time for the literacy base so that I can be among the few to be awarded with the redeem.

September 26, 2016 at 11:54 am

@nakitakona13 yes even they are here for earning purpose. So it can take time to find out those spammers. Those kind of views are not beneficial for them so they have no choice then banning such members. For me it took more than your time, but it is okay till I am getting my payment. This message got just flashed on each articles on tiny cent. So I guessed today they will going to pay us. Let’s see.

September 26, 2016 at 11:56 am

@SuperD Best of luck with your tries. I hope you will be successful for sure. I don’t know which other site you are talking about, but on tiny cents this news just flashed on each article. So hope to receive pending payments today.

September 26, 2016 at 4:23 pm

Wow, congrats to you guys, at least Tiny Cent pays you all today. This has been your long time dream .This day makes history for the writers in Tiny Cent , the day you can go to mall and shop around,LOL. I may join you there soon. I hope it will last for years not only few months or 2 years, but until 2030 hehehehehe. I can feel all the beatings of your heart, the bog, bog, bog. How I wished to be there too joining you and feeling happy like this day.

September 26, 2016 at 7:43 pm

@cely It will good to have you on that site too. It is worthy and you should join them for sure. About payments, so far no payments yet, but they have flashed this new on articles, so may be tonight is the time. Not sure though. But as I already received three payments from this site, I am sure I will get this one too. Let’s see when we get it. I will update here when I will receive my payment from this site. In fact everybody will do it. Lol

September 26, 2016 at 9:33 pm

@naruto100 This is encouraging to find…I was losing patience with tinycent too because they take too long to send payments. I hope we all get paid by today or tomorrow.


September 26, 2016 at 9:34 pm

@ cely I hope to see you soon on tinycent. It’s easy to earn there rather than on the other writing sites on the horizon.

September 27, 2016 at 9:32 am

@shaloo walia  Lol I thought we going get paid yesterday as they were showing the message that ” today is the pay day”, but at least I haven’t got anything from them. Is any one got the payment? Yes they are taking too much time. Let’s see if they need more time, then I guess today we should receive the payment. They should have fix one proper date for payment I guess. Like we have on LB here. It would be more proper. Don’t it?

September 27, 2016 at 10:18 am

@ naruto100 I logged in late last night and saw that payment day message. I knew that we won’t get the payment as the day was already over. Let’s see if we get it today. I don’t think they will fix up a day. Whatever we have seen on the site so far, it’s not very systematic. Besides tinycent has a lot of payments to give out as compared to LB. As far as  I remember, last month it was only me, Suny and peachpurple who got paid. I didn’t see any other payment proofs.

September 27, 2016 at 10:30 am

@naruto100 you’re right. Newcomers, newbies behave well especially for the first two or three posts or even the oldies. You’ll be surprised that all of a sudden they spam the site. I am wondering for that behaviour they have had. Why are they doing that? If their purpose is to earn, do they need to resort to that treachery? Sad!

There are many ways to get a good if not a better reader of one’s post. Social media are good sharing facility. Email addresses especially their friends, relatives, and members of the family. Business associates or partners could is a good target for their posts. Earning money is not easy. You have to exert effort all the way.

September 27, 2016 at 10:38 am

@nakitakona13 The greed of a few members ruin a good earning opportunity for the rest.

September 27, 2016 at 10:54 am

@ shaloo walia Actually I got the payment to with you all, but I didn’t posted that proof as I thought it is not necessary. So I skipped that post. May be many other who got paid also didn’t posted, not sure. About message of payment day, I am seeing that since yesterday morning, I wonder why they are putting such message if they are going to delay. This will make users even more frustrated. I haven’t seen any payment since yesterday after that message. So I don’t think they have started this process yet.

September 27, 2016 at 10:56 am

@nakitakona13 I think @shaloo walia  is right. They do it in greed of more views and earning. but they don’t think about results later on they will face for the same. They should have known that there are no short cuts for more earnings. It may possible that in starting you get benefit. But for long run you have to go with the flow.