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May 14, 2016 at 1:52 pm

I sometimes feel that it is a myth that there are 24 hours in a day. Where do these hours and minutes go? I don’t sleep for more than 6 hours a day. I wake up early but still it seems to me that there’s never enough time to complete all the tasks and chores that I have to complete in a day.

It seems to me that things tumble out of closets and cupboards when I am asleep at night and dishes pile up in the sink mysteriously. Shoes take a walk by themselves in the living room and my neighbours mix their clothes to ours for me wash.

And whenever I open the fridge, freezer and pantry, they are as bare as Old Mother Hubbard’s cupboard even if I spent better part of the week cooking and baking.

Or maybe it is the aftermath of having growing four kids and a hubby in the house?And if I am hones, being online steals away precious hours and minutes.

Do you think 24 hours in a day are enough for all things we have to do?

May 14, 2016 at 10:13 pm

I love that you think all this happens while you are sleeping. I would have to agree. I mean how can two kids generate so many dishes and clothes to wash. I think there are evil elves that come to the house and mess it up while we are sleeping. It only makes sense, right? No, I don’t think that 24 hours is enough time in the day to accomplish everything that I want to or that needs to be done. I am not sure if having more time would really make a difference though. Maybe I just need better time management skills to go along with it. I guess we just have to be happy with what we get done in the time we are allotted.

May 14, 2016 at 10:40 pm

Hehe, I agree if we had 48 hours in a  day, I would probably be saying the same thing.

Better time management and I think I need to make my children help me a bit more around the house. I am a bit of perfectionist when it comes to things so I find it easier to fold clothes neatly and put all things in the proper places than let my children throw things around haphazardly.

But if they are to learn, they have to make mistakes first.

May 15, 2016 at 6:21 am

I am not a perfectionist but I do find that I do not always have the patience to let my children do things. I try to make them help me around the house but sometimes they get distracted and it takes twice as long to do something and I usually end up getting frustrated and just do it myself.

I think I would be saying the same thing too. LOL No matter how much time we have it will never be enough. Best to just accept it and try our best to improve our time management skills.

May 15, 2016 at 12:51 pm

@morgoodie It seems we think alike on a number of issues:-)

May 15, 2016 at 3:25 pm

If one organises the time one get a lot within those wakeful hours. Most handle time haphazardly and then realise they have not achieved much – Just saying.

May 15, 2016 at 3:27 pm

There is yet another aspect and that is to harness youngsters into them lending a helping hand rather than increase one’s work.

May 15, 2016 at 5:13 pm

@bestwriter I agree time management is very important but I like to do so many things and want to experience a lot of things in life that sometimes it becomes almost impossible to manage everything.

I love reading and being online. i am doing a Quran course. I cook all food and meals for my family whether breakfast, school lunch, dinner, snacks and anything in between. I travel a lot between two cities.

Being a  Muslim, I pray 5 times a day. I teach my two children at home and also take care of their religious studies. I help the other two with their extra curricular activities including things such as Spelling Bee, Maths contests which requires a lot of training at home. I take care of laundry and pick and drop my kids to school too.

We entertain at home, though not very often but enough to make sure I have loads of food in freezer and pantry and I do all shopping myself.

I rarely watch TV. And yes, children should help but like @morgoodie said, I find it easier to do stuff myself but yes, teaching my children to put away their stuff neatly is something I need to teach my children.

But their definition on NEAT is so different to mine. In their case, it is mostly out of mother’s sight and out of their mind. Lol!

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Dawnwriter.

May 15, 2016 at 5:59 pm

@dawnwriter I totally agree with you! It seems like I have been working on the same thing over and over again, the daily house chore, preparing for the meals, cleaning up here and there. I also admit that I have recently spent too much time online and on my freelance work as well, and that also make me neglect others and things got piled up too.

I agree that we have to learn how to better manage our time, and prioritize our tasks as well. There was once I could manage things quite well, and I felt really happy with it. That was when I didn’t have my freelance project to work on. When I have more free time for my home, I can do it better. But, when I am busy at work, I just don’t can’t juggle all the balls I have, then something slipped.

How old are your children? I am making my 7yo son to clean up as much as he can. As I am pregnant now and also rushing for my work, he understands and sometimes he really helps a lot. Sometimes, but not all the time. But I am already thankful for him. 😀

@morgoodie I got frustrated with them sometimes too. But, I just think that if I continue to clean up for them, they will never learn, and they will always depend on me to do it for them. Since my eldest son is 7yo, I think he should be big enough to tidy up the stuffs he’s played and also help out a bit at home. I really don’t think I can handle everything when I have a baby later.

I realized that if I have a home for everything, the kids will know how to bring the stuffs back to their home. So firstly, I have to organize all the stuffs and give them a home.

I guess many moms, especially with young children are facing this challenge at home. 😀

May 15, 2016 at 6:14 pm

You seem to have much too much on your plate. You cannot blame time of that (lol)

May 15, 2016 at 6:22 pm

@bestwriter I guess none of us can blame the time, they treat us equally and fairly enough. We just have to learn how to manage it and prioritize our tasks. Sometimes, we might want to do TOO MUCH. My husband has always been saying I am too greedy, because I want to do too many things at once, and sometimes when I am overwhelmed, it makes things worse too.

So now I learned to prioritize my tasks, and also get help from my husband and children whenever possible. This helps a lot! 😀

May 16, 2016 at 10:31 am

Lee Ka Hehe seems to me you and I are in the same boat:-) 

We want to do too much and that sometimes is overwhelming:-)

But fun too. I am never bored and i am never out of things to do. This makes life exciting if a bit tiring at times.

I sometimes wonder at people who say they have nothing to do or they are bored.


  • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Dawnwriter.

May 16, 2016 at 7:01 pm

Some times 24 hours can be too mush and at times it’s NOT enough!!  I realize the older I get, the faster the time goes by!!

May 16, 2016 at 7:02 pm

@dawnwriter Yes, I agree with you. I am actually fine with it, and I feel contented with it too. It’s just that I need to learn how to juggle everything better. I think it’s good for me to learn too. Did I tell you I am also homeschooling my children?

Sometimes my friends asked me how I can do so much, as they do not need to work at home or homeschool the children, but they already found themselves very busy. I always told them, if you put a lot of things on the plate, then when you take out one piece, you’ll find your plate is so empty. 😀

Actually I just wanted to say, there’s a will, there’s a way. I know many homeschooling mothers who are also business owners, and they are doing great as well! Of course, there are times when they are overwhelmed as well, they are learning and improving, and that’s the beauty of life too. But, I really need to thank my husband for helping me a lot, otherwise I might not be able to do so much. But, that’s family, isn’t it? 🙂

May 17, 2016 at 5:19 am


you little boy is just 7 years old and he is helping you out, consider it as a blessing in disguise.

majority boys would be playing smartphone games and leaving the toys scatter on the floor at this age.

Me too, I managed to educate my boy to fold his own clothes, mop the floor and pick out the weeds in the garden when he was 7. However, these good habits doesn’t last long. When other things which are attractive get into his attention, he would become procrastinate.


I hate that. I don’t procrastinate. I do things immediately. Otherwise 24 hours a day isn’t enough.

yes, household chores, cooking, hanging out the laundry, are the repeated chores that we housewives perform daily. It is a never ending job alike a life cycle.

really? You home school your kids, all 2 of them?

You are cool. I have an ex classmate who resides in KL also home school her boys.

But, how do you educate them at home without sending them to school?