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May 13, 2016 at 2:41 pm

May 14, 2016 at 3:46 pm

I already read this book during the time that everyone was going gaga about it. I learned a lot. You can do everything and even the impossible just apply the power of positive thinking. It was hard on my part because I am a person who is always negative, but I remember most part of the book and I love to apply those. Sometimes when I am applying positivity it works, sometimes when I am positive all over, it does not. Sometimes I think things happen for a reason.

May 14, 2016 at 5:58 pm

@Grecy Garcia  I am not sure if Law of Attraction really works but I am sure of one thing that being positive really helps a lot. Negativity is never going to help us in achieving our goals. When we are positive and hopeful, we work enthusiastically towards the realization of our goals. You are what you think. By being negative, we only invite more negativity in our life and keep happiness at bay.

May 14, 2016 at 6:05 pm

Well, I think very detailed and profound so I guess that defines me in all of my versatility. I don’t think that being absolutely positive about everything will lead you anywhere, I prefer being a realist and keep my feet on the ground. It never failed me.

May 14, 2016 at 6:15 pm

@Rapid Blue It’s good to be a realist but sometimes reality also throws some people in the clutches of hopelessness and negativity. It’s very important to maintain a balance between reality and hope.

May 14, 2016 at 9:50 pm

I have not read this book, but I can see how thinking positive thoughts can help to change your way of thinking and will create more positivity around you. I have always been a negative person and it is often hard to believe that positive things can happen to me. This book sounds like a very interesting read and I will have to put it on my list of books to read. Thanks for the suggestion.

May 15, 2016 at 1:23 am


I have read the book a few years ago when it was just published. Now, I actually do not really remember what the book was talking about, except it’s about Law of Attraction.

I believe in law of attraction, and lately I also believe things happen for a reason, and I see there’s no conflict between these. I always try to think positive, but it doesn’t mean things happen as we wanted it to be, but it might still be a positive outcome that we haven’t realize it at the moment. I always think I have always been a very lucky person since I was young. That does not mean I have all the good things and I have not experience any down time, but I think it might be the reasons that I keep thinking positively, I do not keep blaming, and I feel good about myself and others, and hence even though I might not be put in the perfect situation, I am still grateful for it. When I am in peace, I think things are just good around me.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I am positive all the time, sometimes I do have some negative energies too. But, I just learned to “transform” the negative to positive energies as quick as I can.

I just checked out the secret official site, people can submit their stories about how The Secret has helped them. If you are interested, you can read some of the stories there too – The Secret.

May 15, 2016 at 10:59 am

@morgoodie ‘The Secret’ will definitely help you in overcoming negative thoughts. In case you are not into reading , you can download ‘The Secret’ movie which can also be a great help as it explains the Law of Attraction in detail.

@Lee Ka  Yes, you can read the real stories on the official website of ‘The Secret’. I am subscribed to the mailing list and I get the story of the week in my mailbox every week. They also have a Secret app for iphones where you can read the quotes and stories.

May 16, 2016 at 6:59 am

@swalia  Thank you for the information. I do love to read so I would read the book. I just do not have a lot of time right now, but I will definitely check it out in the future.

May 16, 2016 at 4:11 pm

@morgoodie  Sure! I too prefer reading the book to the movie. Meanwhile you can read the real stories about how ‘law of attraction’ helped them realize their dreams on the official website of ‘The Secret.’


May 17, 2016 at 5:02 pm

I have read “The Secret”, watch the documentary and listened to the audio book. I know the principle that is being discussed is real. It is all in the mind. Everything that you want to be come is either pursued or hindered by you depending on your thinking and how you feel about it.

I used to have a lack mentality – Always thinking about the “I don’t have’s” and the “I wish I have this and that” or the “Can’t’s” and then I realized I’m the one attracting the negative stuffs in my life. So I tried and I’ve been working on still to make sure that I refrain from thinking negatively. And with those thoughts, I have to aligned them to what I am feeling. The Law of attraction only works if your thinking is in sync with your emotions. So you cannot tell yourself you will be a success someday if you feel doubt. It’s a difficult practice but it actually works.

July 2, 2016 at 7:34 pm

It is so really handy to have self-help books. There are some instances that we cannot find answers. But, we can have it by reading self-help books.

July 2, 2016 at 9:36 pm

@Christi Ann Tonel Espinola It’s difficult to put the law of attraction in practice as even a slightest doubt can be a hurdle in manifestation of your thoughts.

July 2, 2016 at 10:52 pm

I got the book. But so far, I could not read it. I do want to know the secret in that book and implement it in my life. But … till today… this book is sleeping in my almirah.

Of course, years ago, I read another beautiful book which really changed the way I think and live and gave me the much needed confidence in me. That great book is “The Amazing Power of Positive Thinking”. I want to read that book again! It is such a wonderful book.

July 3, 2016 at 5:22 am

@shaloo walia  I was gifted with this book. I went through it but have not read it thoroughly. I have imbibed what I have learnt by reading the book ‘Power of Positive Thinking’ By Norman Vincent Peale

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