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January 2, 2017 at 4:17 pm

I like this quote. It is true to life. I too, can attest on the validity of this quote. What we learned in school served as experience and we gain knowledge out of the years gaining education. It is not only the lessons we learn as the source of experience;  likewise, the friendship and those attitudes of our friends that embodies great impact to our lives for out of those learned attitudes is where we also experience by not following those disliked attitudes from friends.

When we join an organization, we also learned many good things that serve as good examples we too follow and the mind stock them all for anytime reference. There are many things we acquire in joining an organization which we also transfer them to others through an echo seminar-workshop should you be required by school or office so others would also know , thus serves as experience.

Another instance, reading and writing experience. Yes it is through reading where we get good values of life, acquire knowledge from others thoughts and beliefs. We also get more information especially this time when technology soars like crazy in the world hehehe.The more you read , the more you love to discover many things our of the thoughts of the writers. In writing too, the more we write, the more we experience improvement of our grammar and development of our ideas.LOL. Writing serves as the best acquisition of skills in communicating, thereby making the write as days go by expert and effective.

I full agree with this quote of my idol.What about you?

January 2, 2017 at 4:28 pm

The other quote of Einstein that I like states is this: Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.

I simply agree to this brilliant quote of Einstein.War cannot be stopped by using high profile armaments, There are so many chaotic minded people this time whose interest is to play havoc to human kind. How are we going to understand them? Like what had just previously happened to Istanbul, the killer disguised himself as Santa Clause only to know after his killing rampage, that he was a member of an international terrorism the IS militants. How are we going to understand them? Is their a way? No? For me hard to give them understanding for they behead kidnapped victims if there is no ransom money given t them to free the captive.

Does it mean understanding by giving them the ransom money and they never let free the captive but continue killing the person. Maybe this is only applicable to some simple quarrels. It could e but not for the international terrorism. Those bad elements should be eliminated in the planet.They are useless being for they never feel love and ever know the meaning of life as gift from God.They are killers.They are the enemies of the world.

What is your stand about this quote?

January 7, 2017 at 7:17 pm

I won’t quote any quotes for now but just agree with the two quotes that you have shared. It is true that knowledge can be found through experience. If you don’t go through stuff how else will you deal with the things around you? You cannot use a manual to run your life you have to do it yourself so that you get hurt and then find a way to heal. Only then will you have the knowledge to be able to deal with pain. Even while we are in school why are we given practicals? This is so that we can be able to apply it in real life. then on the second point, about peace. It is so true that you cannot achieve peace if you have no understanding. You have to understand your why your feeling the way your feeling in order to find the peace within. It all starts with you and your heart. Lets take an example of someone who has been hurt. They will definitely have no peace because they are always thinking about the hurt they were caused. So to find some inner peace they will have to talk to the person who made them feel that way, get the cause of why the did it, and once they do that they are able to accept, forgive and forget then move on. And thats when they will get the peace after inderstanding the reason.

January 8, 2017 at 8:17 am

@Anitah Gimase, Hi friend? All that you shared here are true and I so much appreciate the way you elaborate your opinion, nice my dear. Whatever we had done and experienced must be forgotten and move on to the next steps of life. It is hard to keep on thinking the causes and effects of the many ill- feelings. It is so important to accept everything, Yes,acceptance matters for it is in that way tat we can breath well from freedom and liberty deprived by our past because we keep no clinging the past which is so wrong.

That is true,  if we refuse to move on though that is the only way to have a better life, but consider the attitude of negativity, no one prospers fast in life if mind is full of negative thinking.There are are so many negative minded people, and what I notice on them, they live in loneliness for what they are thinking about is always the negative thoughts and feelings. I do not like negative people for they want to kill our dreams. But, let us never allow negative people to kill our dreams.


April 18, 2017 at 9:52 am

School gives us knowledge while school of life gives us wisdom.  I totally agree to the life quote you have given above. Wisdom is gained by experience. That’s why one has to obey the lessons of life. The lessons of life are not always nice and easy. Everything that we experience in life is a lesson to be accepted whether good or bad. So it’s important to have a better attitude towards the things we experience in life. Always accept whatever comes our way. The more you are rejecting and resisting the more you are prolonging the lessons of life. Experience is always inevitable in life.

April 18, 2017 at 3:05 pm

@Mathews kasamika,Thank you so much for your very nice and scholarly share of this quote, very much appreciated here, Yes you are right the knowledge we acquire from education can lead us to a better life and tomorrow. We also live by example the same way as liking quotes for they also serve as a spring board of change. Education truly liberates one and all. Thanks for your brilliant way of sharing your feelings on this post.

April 19, 2017 at 12:15 am

@cely I love this one too “The other quote of Einstein that I like states is this: Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”

April 19, 2017 at 7:55 am

What about those who never work for it, they only depend from others who feed them of the knowledge they want to. Let’s remember there is always exception to the rule. What Albert Einstein has pointed out is derived from the experiment made by an individual, his attempts to the unknown.

What do you think? It would be better as I am citing here a quote about experience. Experience is a good teacher. People learn from what they do whether it is good or not. Learning takes place in doing so.

April 19, 2017 at 4:36 pm

@Tracy, yes very nice quote, inspiring and thought-provoking for those who love peace and this not, they never care to understand for that they understand is their own selfishness and brutality.No matter how churches appealed to them, yet they are never affected, they remain hard and barbaric people.

April 19, 2017 at 4:39 pm

@nakitakona13, Hi? long time no hear from you. Maybe you are on vacation now so you have some hours to be with the people here who might have missed you and your works. About your request , that is nice, you may open a discussion about it and let anyone share their experience. I will also share mine. Nice meeting you here again, have a good evening.

April 19, 2017 at 5:15 pm

Yes. I like this quote. He might have said it during world war.II. The great scientist had rich knowledge of physics. He postulated the Special Theory of Relativity and subsequently came out with a big bang with his General Theory of Relativity.  The theories finally led to the discovery of Atomic Bomb and Nuclear Bomb. The knowledge he had became nowhere when the Atomic Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing many innocent lives causing total devastation. His experiences with his knowledge have already warned him against revealing such secrets. But, he could not expect the devastation that his discoveries would cause on humanity. He repeated throughout his life for the loss, of course, for which he was not responsible and expressed his agony on one occasion or the other.

April 19, 2017 at 5:33 pm

@Sivam yes, right, these two bombings were so famous and made a legacy to the world, but Einstein was just using his brilliance and bombings continue rampaging anywhere this time, so very sad .The world is in constant chaos and bombing is their first type to devastate lives, so very sad.

April 19, 2017 at 7:05 pm

@Cely, it’s a pleasure to be back here after several months of absence. I am just a bit busy for my personal and family activities to take care of, especially my personal concern. Last October, I retired from the government service and I processed my papers for my retirement. Now everything is completed.  I am a bit busy attending to our 4-year granddaughter who is schooling to a kinder school. Now, school days are over. It is summer vacation. I am a bit free to do things especially my hobby which is writing.

It is nice to be back here with some friends welcoming me like you. What about the rest? How are they?

April 20, 2017 at 4:33 pm

@ nakitakona13 nakitakona13, That is true, I been looking for you here for many months of your absence. It is good news and good news too for moderation is so fast matter of minutes.About others here, they just come and go perhaps they have found another sites. Sad to say those sites they were in were all closed like Tiny cent, Blogbourne and others, too bad those sites did not serve the people better.

By the way, I am glad to see your profile photo you look so good. Thanks for sharing you nice thoughts and feelings here, very much appreciated.