Author Posts

May 17, 2016 at 2:41 am

Often times, I get side tracked when I’m doing something whether it be here on this site or at home.  I’ll start out doing something, then I see something else that catches my eye and I get side tracked!!

Do you easily get side tracked?

May 21, 2016 at 4:13 am

Yes, I sure do and it is so frustrating. I will start working on a few sites that I can multitask with and then I suddenly find myself forgetting to go back and forth between them. I end up only on one at a time. Maybe it would be better to do it this way, but I find it boring to do that and I feel that I am not able to accomplish as much. Of course, forgetting what I am doing is not helping either. Hehe

I used to do that at my offline job too. I would start doing one thing and then find something else that keeps my attention and forget about the other project. I may end up with a couple different projects not completed because of getting side tracked.