Author Posts

May 5, 2016 at 6:51 am

When joining sites like this, I’m always curious to where every one is from.  When you think about it the internet can connect us with people all over the world.  Even though it’s Wednesday, May 4 at 8:40 p.m., it could be Thursday, May 5th at 8:40 a.m.

So I would like to take a roll call of where you’re at and what time is it and how is the weather where you’re at.

Wherever you may be at, I hope you have a great day/evening/morning!! 😉

May 5, 2016 at 7:14 am

It’s May 5th on my end and it’s already 10:12AM. so far the weather is great but too warm still for most. Its the Summer here and everyone’s soaking in a beach somewhere – but I’m online 🙁 lol! Are you kidding, I couldn’t be happier _ i love sites like this!

May 5, 2016 at 8:11 am

Morning, it is 11am here , Malaysia.

I am blogging right now, multi-tasking should be the word.

Blogging here and other sites which I don’t know whether I could mention or not.

Weather is hot, scorching sun that could burn your bare back, so better cover up with loose clothes and drink lots of water!



May 6, 2016 at 11:15 am

5/6/2016, 11.45 AM I am in my office free for few moments before I go to my next class. I am in NCR region of Indian capital in Northern part of the country. The day is not as hot as it was day before yesterday. I will keep you posted as and when I find enough time.

May 6, 2016 at 2:02 pm

I am from the Philippines sissy and when I saw your topic it is 5:01 pm in the Philippines. I am going to take a nap for now and will get back to the site later this evening. I hope I able to see you here later tonight.

@suny we have an NCR region too, I thought at first you are living on the same country, lol.

May 6, 2016 at 10:49 pm

As of  right now it is May 6th at 1:50 pm. I live in the US and am on Eastern standard time. Today is sunny with blue skies and white, fluffy clouds. It is not real warm as it is just spring time, but being in the sun is nice even though the breeze still has a little bit of a chill. It is supposed to be in the 80’s this weekend, so that is going to be nice. I love this time of year and cannot wait until my children are out of school for the year so they can enjoy days like this.

May 9, 2016 at 5:55 pm

@JoDee Stout Present ma’m, it is May the 9th 2016. I am responding from NCR India and the time is 6.24 PM here. I shall be joining a marriage function tonight so the chances are I will be away in 2 hours’ time.

May 9, 2016 at 6:09 pm

I am from India. It’s 6.38 pm in the evening. The weather is extremely hot and I fervently wish for some rain here!

May 10, 2016 at 8:09 am

its me peachpurple from malaysia !

How are you guys and gals?

It is 11.30am in the morning.

I had been blogging here since 6am in the morning after my son had gone to school.

This is my FREE time where I can blog until 1pm.

He comes back home from school at 1.30pm, that is where I have to stop.

7 hours per day, time flies pretty fast that I had not noticed at all.

I will be coming again tomorrow !


May 10, 2016 at 10:40 am

@4cryingoutloud It is 10:35 am in my part of the world. I am from Pakistan.

After sending my children to school and hubby to office, I clean the house, start preparing the lunch and put away washed clothes etc. In between household chores, I have a little time to be online.

It is very hot today and temperature is 33*C but it is expected to rise to 37*C later in the day.

Have a great day everyone.

May 12, 2016 at 5:07 am

it is May 12 today, morning everyone!

I had done the laundry, swept the floor, mopped the floor, water the garden plants, couldn’t smell the flowers but stinky cat poop in the air!

Feeling a little tired.

Slept at 10pm, woke up at 5am.

School bus came to pick up my boy at 5.45am, so from 6am to 1pm, it is my blogging time.

Time to earn money while eating breakfast and having a cup of milk tea.

I will be going out later.

So you won’t be seeing me around here for the rest of the day.

Hope that you can reach your desired goal for today.

Weather is hot right now, going to rain later, according to the weather forecast.

So, bring your umbrella!