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April 7, 2017 at 9:01 pm


Modi is becoming unbeatable power in india, and heading towards Hindu Rajya Stapna, he appointed Yogi as CM of UP, now after some time the RSS leader the Mohan Bhagat will become the President of India.

Is God favourable to Modi? the Prayers of the Church are not enough to hinder his progress? Or God wants to teach us something more…

Though, RSS was born in 1925 it was not so powerful, at the time of Indira Gandhi rule they were all in jails, and ministry flourished so much because the people around the world were praying for India.

1898 Moody Bible mission was praying every Saturday for the revival of the world. it effected many countries as well as India.

1875 the great Keswick Prayer meetings influenced India a lot.

1904 a great revival took place in the present Sialkot of Pakistan, The Spirit of God fell on those who were praying for India…

In 20th century John hide the great Man of God, Amy carmicheal, Pandit Ramabai and others prayed for India much.

1904 John Nelson Hyde started a Punjab Prayer Union, they committed their lives to pray for the awakening of India.

the dose of their Prayer powers controlled the anti-Christian elements so far but now they are coming into power again

The last 2 decades, our prayers have become nominal, we depended much on talented speeches and turned ministries in to profit minded businesses.

We have presented the huge numbers of people in TV channels as they were all converted, instead of presenting more of God, actually it created havok in the minds of hindhu fanatics that all Hindus are converting.

We are talking much about for article 25, conducting Debates, opening TV channels, contacting political leaders, giving aggressive speeches, finding various ways to protect our rights with human efforts.

But no Christian leader so far is thinking about the most important thing, the UNITED PRAYER gathering regardless of denominations.

God’s ultimate goal in allowing persecution is to bring us on our knees, we can’t find any reason why God allowed Israeli’s to be slaves in Egypt for 400 years, but finally they prayed as one unit and were released immediately. exo 2:23-25

When Jews prayed, they escaped great persecution and the wicked Haman died Esther 4:16, when the Church prayed John 12:23, the Angel of God descended from heaven and killed Herod.

God should send angels to India for our prayers, to protect us and settle things right.

Modi should convert, remain calm or should be removed. Whole India should become a peace-loving country.

Once in Chennai all the Christians gathered at Marina Beach and Prayed together for Jayalalitha

On Jan 17, 2017, there were nearly 4000 Christian leaders gathered in Maharashtra and Prayed 4 days for politics and persecution.

What we are doing in our States? Can’t we rent a most convenient place near our sorround and conduct United Prayers, regardless of denominations, even working people can come and spend some time in prayer continuously till God responds.

If anybody wants to do good to Christianity let them start a REVIVAL UNITED PRAYER first. nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. No need to be dismayed for future.

Those who agree to this spiritual method and like-minded persons can forward this message till some motivation take place lest we may face terrible days, 1timothy 2:2…. Just imagine. It will be a great beginning.