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October 19, 2016 at 3:06 pm

Most of the people have listen the name of spirituality but they do not know the real meaning of spirituality in this article the writer defines spirituality in these words  love, compassion and enthusiasm. It is wrong definition of spirituality because. The spirituality is extracted from the world spirit means the power that comes in human from the stars to run permanently human life organs. Keep in mind man is a mixture of thee things, matter, spirit and soul…human body is made of matter, spirit comes from the planets and soul is the decree of God in human body.

Love, compassion and enthusiasm all three properties are the part and parcel of human souk not human spirit. The readers must keep in  mind that miracles are the properties of soul not spirit, human soul has power to do anything on earth it works in guise of intention and will power. Human machinery does not produce love, compassion and enthusiasms but is our soul that is uplifted by good deeds and thus love, compassion and enthusiasm take shape to run the society.  JH Sayyar

October 19, 2016 at 7:01 pm

You have missed the point. Spirituality does not mean “love, compassion and enthusiasm” here. It simply points out that it ‘ENHANCES”. Do you know what is the meaning of the word, “ENHANCE”? The dictionary defines it as “intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of”. Therefore, it doesn’t define but it increases the value of love, compassion and enthusiasm”. Now you know where do you get wrong? Next time, read it carefully before you react. It is too embarrassing!

October 19, 2016 at 8:02 pm

I’m not very familiar with sporituality but spirituality means something different to each individual person. You also started out your post as though you were writing an article? Why?

A person has to believe in a god, I guess, in order to be spiritual. One doesn’t necessary have to be religious in order to know who god is.  I also don’t need anyone to tell me how I should feel or act towards a certain thing. This should come naturally.

October 19, 2016 at 9:57 pm

My dear friend love and spirituality are two different things love is the main element of human nature but spirit comes from stars in human organs and soul is the decree of God, all miracles on this earth is due to the power of soul not the power of love. Love is limited but soul is unlimited soul comes from God may be increased as we increase the size of body. There is a difference between spirit and soul. Love is term for attraction and repulsion in common language. Actually love means attraction between two the opposite elements and hate is the name of sympathy and antipathy.

For example the soul of thus universe if silence like wise every thing of this universe has its soul you may not call it love. As we get butter out milk by a special process and the extracted element may not be called love but the soul of the milk may not be seen in milk just like love is the name of attraction and repulsion and soul is the element of God who infused into human being and people call it God’s breath.

The words enhance means intensity or increase but which element cause enhancement of love the element is missing tell me? In other words who enhance love intensity, none can tell surely. Love is a passion but soul belongs to God’s decree. Love makes men blind while soul opens men’s mind. The power of soul may be increased by faith in God’s being and just by love you cannot increase love. Hope is the child of faith.

Man is a mixture of three things, mixture, spirit and soul. human body is made of matter, spirit comes from the stars and soul is the decree of God due to which we are called alive.

For example, we someone dies, he or she donates his body part it means after soul fly life organs do not die for a time period meaning they receiving the planets energy bu it was soul due to which we were alive she flies and we call the person dead.

There is no spirituality all over the world it is the term of some mystic scholars actually capturing natural forces on the basis power of human soul power is called spirituality.

Jesus made alive the dead what it was love or spirituality or faith in God tell me? Always the power of soul make miracles on earth not love not spirituality. JH Sayyar

October 19, 2016 at 10:06 pm

Now I will answer the question of  EvilElf. Your question is not rational think, if someone believe in God or not God is present keep in mind the the teaching of prophets is called every nation’s religion and every religion is true if someone believe in the religion or not. All religions are full wisdom and God’s teaching, when Moses went to meet God on mountain Sinai  God gave Moses Ten Commandments actually it was the religion of Moses nation. 

If you believe in God you will increase the power of soul  not the power of spirit but the power of spirit is awarded by the birth planets but soul is awarded by God. Keep in mind nothing is natural o earth birth planets settle human trends for coming generation.