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May 1, 2017 at 11:41 am

Earlier in too used to judge people very early but now I am cautious in my initial interactions.

It’s best to wait, watch and then judge someone.

May 1, 2017 at 12:39 pm

People do change too. Many of us don’t pay attention to change of heart. We these days are so hard on each other. We judge each other on one final stroke. And we assume that it may change the way we think of things. You can see that in some of the cases judging people. I think we have to keep some distance and then think of how things go. Most likely there will be times when things are going to be lot harder. And we have to appreciate that part. I personally starting to take life one day at a time. And based on that I want to see how life goes on.

May 1, 2017 at 3:39 pm

@shavkat one always needs to be careful about fairweather friends.

May 4, 2017 at 6:30 pm

 @Ahamed Husain To me, I think judging people based on their fist interaction is very bad. I mean we are in the world where actions speak louder than words. So, just by interaction, we can’t truly understand the true nature of the people.

Let me share my experience where I faced a similar situation. When I was studying in school I used to have a friend who stabbed me on my back for a silly reason. I really loved her and she was my best friend until high school. I was so honest with this girl and I treated her like my bestie but she didn’t. She was so good when we became friends and after a month she showed her real face. She will tell bad things about me in class and to my teachers. Because of this, I was portrayed as a bad girl in my class. I asked her why she was doing things like these she said, “Everybody in our class and the teachers like you which I don’t like. I want everyone to like me. So, I don’t care what you think.”

After she stated like this I realized we should not judge anyone easily and early. I had this lesson and changed myself.

July 5, 2017 at 8:11 am

I find that we people have two selves – the inner self and the outer self. With the outer self, I’m not referring to physical appearance, not entirely. Let me explain.

The outer self is what we want others to perceive. This is everything from how we dress to the way we present ourselves with actions and words. Often, people tend to desire for others to perceive them as the opposite of their inner self and put on a fake persona. Perhaps, they are ashamed or consider their inner self to be lacking. Everyone, at some point, encounters a person’s outer self. Social media is a big display of this persona.

With the inner self, we find ourselves more protective and secretive. Few people will ever truly meet this persona – close family, children, spouse, or a close friend or two. For some people, no one will ever meet most parts of this persona. It is rare for anyone to reveal a majority of this persona, let alone 100% of it. A person’s journal typically reveals most of this oersona, but maybe not all of it. It is interesting to note that pets most likely meet their owner’s inner self very quickly since they cannot reveal to any other human the hoax of their owner’s persona.

On a side note, the outer persona can be quite the chameleon, changing based on the person or persons they are with at the time. Maybe you notice your new friend acts different around you than in groups. This isn’t because the person has showed you their inner self. This is because they have a chameleon outer self. People without the chameleon outer self just have a default that they shift to in different amounts depending on comfort level with the person or persons present.

In conclusion, these two personas usually clash with each other, making it difficult for others to truly understand a person. Trust issues can occur upon the discovery of just how much they might clash in a person. When meeting someone for the first time, keep in mind that you are meeting the persona they want you to meet or think that you want to meet.