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November 14, 2016 at 4:05 pm

A jealous person is described as a person without peace in his/ her heart. A jealous person struggles emotionally, and we  cannot blame that kind of person. Jealousy strikes anytime if fee someone outsmarts you, if someone shines and you are left alone. Jealousy does not only imply killer feeling towards your boyfriend/ girlfriend. It cold also strike at home. If the family member shows much affection with some members in the family and here comes someone not so cared about , so suddenly feels jealous. One must know the real reason first why the family favors some It cannot be avoided, but if possible should be avoided for it cracks the mind and risks the heart of the jealous family member.

The worst source of jealousy is in a relationship.Killing may happen if the lover feels something malicious on the actions done by her/ his love. It is also not good to feel jealous right aways. We have to control our emotion. There are many ways  to evade this worst feeling. Jealousy can lead a person to depression.What he keeps on thinking about will be answer to why his love betrayed him, or why his brother/sister favors the other family member. It is so hard to solve this worst feeling if the person having this kind of feeling continues to tolerate this. It must not be tolerated. It must be thought about before hand.

November 14, 2016 at 8:05 pm

I am a jealous person. It is a hard thing to get out from under. My ex-husband constantly cheated on me and made me feel little and insecure. So now, it has moved on with me and the next person. I get jealous when he talks to other women. Should I be? No, I guess not but I still can’t help it. So what should I do to stop being jealous?

November 14, 2016 at 8:50 pm

@lovern I had an opportunity to feel what jealousy means from other people. For some reason, they were all thinking I am doing so much better just because it was me and not them. they thought I never should deserve what I got, and I didn’t understand why so mean and awful they are over something that is not their problem.
After I was married and gain lot weight and lost my figure the same people were talking mean and bad things in public with no shame or consideration – like I deserve what came to me because I had so many children and I was so vain… Vain? Did I ask? To who I was vain?
To my family for making them? To my parents in law for having good relations? To my friends for maintaining friendship and always being kind and understanding?
People are not envious or jealous. they are just evil. If you have things the best they will talk, if they think you have it the wrong way, they will talk. Some people are natural born hags. That is all I say.

November 15, 2016 at 4:21 am

I totally agree with you. Jealousy is almost in every being. I never knew I could be so jealous until when I got into a relationship. My spouse is far away from me, and each time I call her cell phone and she doesn’t pick up, I just feel someone is maybe occupying her mind and taking my place. Worst of it is that I am always wrong with my predictions. So I knew I was just jealous.

November 15, 2016 at 8:25 am

Jealousy is sometimes caused of many insecurities in life; insecurities within ourselves, insecurities with the things that others have, and many more.

Most of the time, jealousy doesn’t make sense at all. Being jealous means your making a demon inside of your mind.

Though, jealousy is already in human nature. As @evilelf said, we cannot do anything with it. But sometimes, being positive will help us avoid the feeling of jealousy.

November 15, 2016 at 2:54 pm

Jealousy is evil and it is toxic in our lives. It can cause a lot of pain in oneself, and it cause even death. someone who is jealous is never happy with someone else. They will always have issues with everything that they do, and its not because they are not good or they are not doing right its just because they can’t stand to see you doing well or prospering. They’re the ones who always want to be seen and recognized. It is not a good feeling to be jealous because it will get you nowhere, it will just bring you pressure, then you get sick then what. The only thing that jwalousy helps you with is to get the concerned person out of the way because there us no one who will want to be close to a jealous person. @evilelf stop being jealous and work on your relationship. When you see your husband talking to other women, just remind yourself that you are the one who is with him, your the one he comes to everyday, if he wanted he would have been with another woman but he chose to be with relax and enjoy your marriage all the best.

November 15, 2016 at 3:49 pm

 Anitah Gimase I’m not married anymore. My ex-husband proved to me I had a reason to be jealous because he cheated through out the marriage. He was not faithful from day one. Now he is cheating on his current girlfriend. I can’t understand why men like him do such things. 

As for being jealous with my guy friend, I try not to be. I tell myself that he is only talking with them about everyday things and it’s nothing important. After all in his line of work he has to talk with all people not just men. I like to say he is computer genius that can create all kinds of scripts and bots and whatnot for computers. Very talented.

November 15, 2016 at 4:20 pm

@EvilElf , Hi friend? Actually jealousy cannot be avoided especially if the person flirts your husband or boyfriend for those singles. It is a sudden feeling. The best thing to do is try to evaluate their action if there is reason ti jealous. Also, show to your husband that you are not affected, just show a fake smile hehehehe, join in their discussion and while talking you have to show to them that you are the wife, by of course hold his hand, sit closer to him. There is no malicious action on the onlookers considering the thru you arr the legal wife. This could also be applicable to lovers.

Before, I easily felt jealous even to my friends and family members. I cannot control my emotion. It seems that I am not part of them especially if my best friends found another friends and have only few time for me, I felt jealous.When I was a new teacher, my bf has many crushes  because he has face value.One day, I saw him with my co-teacher who seemed having a crush on him.

I noticed that the girl always followed my bf , so I quarreled them when I saw them dined together. I stoned them actually, hahahaha, that pacified my anger and jealousy,

But after some years, I realized that I no longer feel jealous. I just do not know why. Maybe my heart is like a stone this time after having been a heart broken int pieces because of love.Just wait for the right time you will no longer feel jealous.Also est lots of celery for it gives stronger emotion and celery also increases sexuality hahahaha,LOL.


happy smiley

Image credit by: Pixabay

November 15, 2016 at 4:30 pm

@Your Seldom, Those who are mean to you are insecure people. They are people who are not busy in  their lives. They envied you. The feel jealous because you are a happy type, talented and have lots of friends. I also noticed that in my neighbors. They always look at me every time I go to work in complete attire and with my wheels. If they only know that I work hard to have a better life, they might not be that mean in dealing with me as neighbor.Their look shows some envy and jealousy. I am so friendly to them and I know they are plastic. The just show their make belief action that they are friendly too.If they only know that I only force myself to like them, they will surely melt in shame.

All you to do ignore them Pretend that you see them and hear what they say. What is important is , you are a strong lady and cannot easily be affected with their bad attitude.Let us congratulate ourselves for being strong individuals fighter for life.



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November 15, 2016 at 4:39 pm

@Dominion Elshaddai ,We are just humans and jealousy is another kind of feeling that needs control, or else something bad happens. In your case, you have to trust your wife.Sending her messages having seldom replies mean that she is so busy at work, She her you care through lovely words, Say words that she always likes when you were just lovers. tell those sweet moments together so she could always imagine you and your love. There is no reason to feel jealous though the feeling is normal and in today’s generation, temptation is stronger than a cruel tempest.

Just always say the most important words, “I love you honey”. These words alone would elevate every beating of her heart. Love is love.



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November 15, 2016 at 4:51 pm

@Anitah Gimase, Hi friend? hehehehee I like words which stated that jealousy is toxic and can cause a lot of pain. Yes, I agree with you that jealousy is toxic .It creates malicious thinking on the part of the jealous person. The jealous person cannot control his emotion His belief is so strong that his partner or girlfriend has another, which is a weak basis to judge.

Jealousy kills. There are so many we heard and saw in TV husband killing a wife due to false hearsay and his jealousy rose to the extreme to his madness that eventually led him to think of ending the cause of his pain and emotional struggle. To kill the source of his madness is for him the only consolation of his broken heart without knowing whether his accusation is right or wrong.

Jealousy deprives a person to become emotionally stable and strong.


4ca13496f279e6044a0f6a706700df6dOWL OWL OWL OWL

Loneliness surrounds to the heart f a jealous person lie this owl that looks so unhappy, LOL.

November 18, 2016 at 5:31 pm

A guy in his teen ended his life because of jealousy. This is now the support of my topic that jealousy kills. This young guy felt jealous of his younger sister as being the favorite of his parents. There are only three of them children in their family all in their teens.

The other day his parents bought his younger sister an App lap top and he was not included in the buying. he felt forsaken, he felt so desperate and his too much jealousy blurred his mind .he cannot anymore think of a better answer why his parents did not buy him too when he needs a lap more  than his sister. He shared his heartaches to his friends. He also told them that he wanted to end his suffering that evening. His friends just laughed at him thinking that it was just a joke.

Next day, his friends learned from his family that their classmate hanged himself using his belt in his bedroom at the middle of the night. They were all so shocked.They also told their parents about their son’s plan and the reason. The parents were so sad. They cried in despair.

Their son did not know the reason why they bought his youngest sister an App lap top. His sister has only few months to live. Her sister has cancer of the blood. They do not like their son to know about it because it would hurt him much, so they were wrong.

Conclusion: The parents are liable for the death of their son for they lack attention on him. They should have told him about the terminal sickness of his sister, so the more he will love and care her. It is too late and regret comes at the end and the life of their son will never come back to life again.

Image credit by Pixabay


baby crying

November 19, 2016 at 2:50 pm

I tell you in every human being, there is every  atom of jealousy in them. But the worst of all jealousy is the  jealousy that leads to ones death. When I say this I mean, jealousy attached with hatred and malevolence. Some people are just jealous when something great happens to you but wouldn’t bear any negative thing in mind for you. He takes his jealousy as an encouragement for him to go higher to the height attained so that others will also feel the same for him. But in the situation where your jealousy does not add any encouragement in every activity of your life, then you need a turn around. A jealousy that involves  hatred is the worst ever. When something great happens to your friend, instead of learning from his greatness, you jealous him and plans to do anything that would take away his joy by all means. Thus kinda jealousy ruins one’s life and keep them in the dark for ever. And they are forbidden to be great on the future. Everyone in his life for one day or another has been jealous but let’s make sure the jealousy doesn’t make us do the bad thing.

November 19, 2016 at 2:53 pm

But the worst of all jealousy is the  jealousy that leads to ones death. When I say this I mean, jealousy attached with hatred and malevolence. Some people are just jealous when something great happens to you but wouldn’t bear any negative thing in mind for you. He takes his jealousy as an encouragement for him to go higher to the height attained so that others will also feel the same for him. But in the situation where your jealousy does not add any encouragement in every activity of your life, then you need a turn around. A jealousy that involves  hatred is the worst ever. When something great happens to your friend, instead of learning from his greatness, you jealous him and plans to do anything that would take away his joy by all means. Thus kinda jealousy ruins one’s life and keep them in the dark for ever. And they are forbidden to be great on the future. Everyone in his life for one day or another has been jealous but let’s make sure the jealousy doesn’t make us do the bad thing.

November 19, 2016 at 3:30 pm

But the worst of all jealousy is the  jealousy that leads to ones death.Some people are just jealous when something great happens to you but wouldn’t bear any negative thing in mind for you. He takes his jealousy as an encouragement for him to go higher to the height attained so that others will also feel the same for him. But in the situation where your jealousy does not add any encouragement in every activity of your life, then you need a turn around. A jealousy that involves  hatred is the worst ever. When something great happens to your friend, instead of learning from his greatness, you jealous him and plans to do anything that would take away his joy by all means. Thus kinda jealousy ruins one’s life and keep them in the dark for ever. And they are forbidden to be great on the future. Everyone in his life for one day or another has been jealous but let’s make sure the jealousy doesn’t make us do the bad thing.