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November 20, 2016 at 8:04 am

In India, the iit kharagpur 1993 gold medalist sundar pichai led google is involved in identity theft frauds, allegedly bribing fraud ntro and indian government officials to falsely claim that goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds  have the resume, investment and paypal account of a google competitor to get all the frauds indian intelligence jobs with fake resumes, fake work.

Do intelligence and security agency officials in your country also waste tax payer money to help google steal the identity of google competitors

  • This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by pcwork.

November 22, 2016 at 4:46 pm

It is really embarrassing to know that Google will do such things. Is there any need for google to steal the identity of others. If it wants to do favor there are many methods for it. why only by stealing the identity of others.

In my country ie.,India as far as my knowledge goes I have never heard of such episode or complaint.

November 25, 2016 at 7:15 am

India’s largest female domain investor is being impersonated by 10 lazy greedy mediocre google, tata sponsored sex worker, cheater housewives and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who falsely claim to have her resume, including btech 1993 ee degree, investment, paypal account  in a clear case of identity theft by google, tata

The corrupt indian government refuses to investigate the google identity theft fraud, it can be easily proved that India’s largest female domain investor is not getting a salary or is affiliated with any indian intelligence or government agency , while all those who cheated her have got government jobs with monthly salary, fake resumes

The domain investor is also a link seller competing with google adwords, and google is ruthless in destroying competition in India and elsewhere


  • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by pcwork.