Author Posts

December 26, 2016 at 7:01 pm

In This Cold Evening

In this cold evening, I hear the murmur of the wind
It tells me it wipes the rain
But I never want wind to wipe the rain
I hear the music from its drop
It The rain cleanses my soul
Its water is so crystal pure
It purifies my soul, and renews my goal
But wind denies my call
It continues to play havoc to human soul
Don’t sway that way
It seems I lost my way

The rain finds its way to convey me
That wind is its soul to wipe every pain
In disdain, it shows its rage to be fair to all
For humans do not know its role on earth
That without wind and rain, there is no absolute pain
For both carries impact according to the velocity of its cause
Be it strong that costs lives or moderate to refresh one’s soul.

Image credit By Pixabay



December 26, 2016 at 7:08 pm

Why Just Now?

Now I know why you come
Now I know why you lost your shame
You have just realized your fault
You were dazed with the glory of your past
Forgetting about what happens tomorrow
You never see someone hurt, down and blue

Why just now?
You are too late in your realization
A heart that was once hit with a sharp torn
Can no longer feel the yesterday
Where love blooms and the melody of love attunes
In its mellow tune that never foresees cheats and lies

The heart that was broken now mended with an iron steel
That can never feel the sane that injects within
Making me a fool
Yesterday is gone and here I am now in bloom
Not with your love , but with my guilt that I concealed to Him.