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July 19, 2016 at 4:49 am

I would want to make sure it’s original owner got it back. Because the alternative to this might be, for instance, If I took it to a local jeweler to get it appraised, they might tell me it’s approx. value, then offer me cash and I would of course be on their radar. When the person who lost it in the first place came by asking if anyone might have sold it to them they could describe me to them and that might not only endanger the jeweler for buying it from me but I might be on a hit list. On the other hand if the owner of that diamond were to get it back, there is always a chance they might offer me a fine cash reward for finding it. This way it would be a win-win for me and for the person who got the diamond back.

July 19, 2016 at 6:54 am

@lookat You have a good idea here. It might also put our lives in danger too. I guess if the owner will come to look for it. Then it is better to hand to the person in person. A reward might be given as a sign of gratitude. It is definitely a win-win scenario.

July 19, 2016 at 3:29 pm

@Shavkat, yes the ber months are so closer from now only one month left and that is August.After August we can hear Christmas songs played in malls.How nice to be everyday Christmas, but scared, I may get fat hehehehe. I am maintaining my weight 110 pounds since teenager.When I feel heavy, I fast. It is just a matter of discipline.

July 19, 2016 at 9:41 pm

@lovern I also do the same thing. I need to have all the effort to lose weight. It easy for me to worn out the fats in my belly. Ber months are fast approaching. So I need to manage my schedule online to gain more cash. A full blast of teaching will be the next thing to do. I will start to get busy starting the first week of August.

July 20, 2016 at 5:59 am

Diamonds are often marked so they can be returned to their owner if lost or stolen. I would never take the chance of trying to pawn a diamond or hold onto it until a reward is offered. The best thing is to go to the police to turn it in – and to get a copy of the incident report when they log it into their property, in case there is a reward offered later!

July 20, 2016 at 7:07 am

@ruby3881 I ado agree on this. It is better to clear our conscience of founding a diamond. I also think that the owner will never stop looking for it. The police can find the right owner and be rewarded if there is.