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November 5, 2016 at 3:58 pm

December 4, 2016 at 11:44 pm

An interesting piece of article which has analysed the concept of mind, body and soul. There is one more concept of life after birth and the life which we live in is a opportunity for us to cleanse ourselves of previous karma and reduce the burden of again having one more cycle of birth and death. After repeated process of this cycle if one is ready, willing to and consciously aware of what is happening or the state of mindfulness then the cycle will come to an end and we will be rid of this cycle. I liked the article as it provided an insight into the concepts which  have mentioned as the body merges into the five elements in the end. Practical experience will be the ultimate knowledge. Till then it will remain theory. A very good piece with food for thought.

December 5, 2016 at 5:04 pm

@jhsayyar, That was what God has done after he created the world, He completely made the world, and He pondered that the world he created is lonesome and void. The He thought something to make world alive by creating Adam and Eve our first parents.Despite they disobeyed God, but that was already the planned of God to be tempted to know how strong they would face the world when they multiply. God said unto Adam and Eve, go to the world and multiply.

The spirit you mentioned here had become spirit to give life to the mud transformed by God to human and through His nostrils blew air to make His creations alive so that was it.The next day, God saw His creations the pair no clothes, long hair and so with Adam.Both of them in the nude for both them do not have sexual organs.After being tempted by snake, Satan, to eat the forbidden apples , that was the time that they saw themselves having sex organs and they were so terrified for the wrath of God was upon them. And then God told them that they can no longer live in paradise and they were tasked to accomplish the vision of God to fill the world with humans. He told Adam and Eve: Go to the world and multiply.

The transformation of Adam and Eve was through the spirit God given them to mean LIFE. Human spirits do not originate from anywhere else, my friend, but God.That is why, if it is already your time, the spirit of the Lord departs from you. 1798741_10154475558080201_1062910903985968091_n

And God said unto humans through Father Abraham, to tell His creations in the world  that they can inherit it and never must they abused if they want everlasting life, if not, man will die as payment of his sins .God said unto Father Abraham , the father of all nations that God said: Man is created by dust, so dust he shall return.