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March 29, 2017 at 10:25 am

We often talk about anxiety and stress in a negative light but it shouldn’t be so. Stress actually helps us cope and carry on with our lives and that’s why it should be manageable. When it goes out of hand, however, it will show as nervousness and other negative things that can affect our day to day lives.

Stress increases your adrenaline, heart beat and blood pressure to a manageable level. It heightens your senses, makes you focus and above all helps you meet your deadlines. 🙂

Have you experienced a time when you have to complete a task and you feel so nervous about it, you finished it in one go?

I have (and it was so nerve wrecking)

At work, I used to always be in hurry.

I wanted to get things done and I wanted to get it over with as soon as possible so I can stay at my desk and ponder on things that I think is more worthwhile. I hated meetings and reports and I stress out every time there’s another deliverable needed to be accomplished. But at the end of the day, I get to finish everything without needing to be on OT.


March 29, 2017 at 11:39 am

My experience with stress and anxiety is very bad. It destroyed my career and life. Such that I am taking CBT (cognitive behavior therapy). Anxiety has costed me lot of jobs. Also failed interviews keep on rising. I have developed anxiety so bad that I can’t find myself in mall and airport without anxiety. I guess I have to get over it by going on regular basis. Lot of past needs fixing too. I am guessing all of this will come eventually. And we all have different life and circumstances. So we can’t really get things easily.

March 29, 2017 at 6:23 pm

You are right. I read about it somewhere.

Stress actually helps us in maintaining our blood pressure, heart beat, etc., It makes us adjust ourselves to the situation and attend to the work promptly with the diligence which indirectly improves our involvement. So we should have some respect for stress also.


April 5, 2017 at 9:37 pm

I’m so happy that you’re about to think about your anxiety and stress in a positive light! However… For me… it’s not been the case. Anxiety has ruined my relationships with people and emotional stability. I’ve struggled with anxiety, stress and depression way too much…

April 17, 2017 at 7:08 pm

However much you would say about thinking of stress in a more positive manner i may disagree to some point. One thing i know is that from all the people i have ever come across including myself, no one has ever had a positive response or outlook on stress and anxiety. Thete is always some problem that will come with it at some point. Anyway what your saying makes some sense yes, but what if the stress keeps coming and never goes away, will you keep having your heart beat faster each time? That could be dangerous you know. What if you end up with a heart attack then what would we still say that stress is good for anybody? I guess not. I know that when some has stress it can easily escallate to depression which is much worse. We cannot control stress in our lives because its litetally part of it, but it can be controlled to some extend. We all have our prferences but the one thing i stick with is that stress os not good and will never be good for anyone.

April 17, 2017 at 9:40 pm

You are very right stress if well managed can help us achieve great things. Just yesterday I had a work to do at church so few days prior to the day I was very nervous. Due to the stress I had it helped me to prepare adequately and this helped me to perform well as.