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November 4, 2016 at 2:30 pm

It was in February 2009. I got down in Anantapur. My friend received me well. When I entered his house the walls were full of the photos of Puttaparthi Sai Baba. I was surprised to see how my friend who was criticizing Baba in bitter terms became his devotee. I explained him my plan to visit Puttaparthi. He felt very happy. Gave me instructions. He told me that I have to stand somewhere in the crowd and that I can not go inside like a VVIP. He also told me that Baba knows very well who came to visit him and how to treat him.  I nodded my head .

When I reached Puttaparthi my Brother-in-law was there. He informed me that he could get permission to enter inside. After 11.30 we went inside and luckily I got a seat in the third row. There were Bhajans and some light speeches. There was pin drop silence when Baba entered the Hall. He was in his wheelchair . It started slowly. I was getting severe pain in the feet as I was having scratches in my feet . It was paining me like anything. While coming to the prayer hall the road was full of stones meant for laying the road. I had to walk on them bearing with the pain.

Baba was moving slowly one cubical after the other. We were sitting in a cubical shape on the floor. I was sitting in the third row. I was seeing at him. I could see him very comfortably. I found something unusual in myself. Tears started trickling down for no reason. I had his darshan in a variety way . He just looked at me and when I was about to see him he turned his head away from my view. It was  really a great and thrilling experience I had. This was my first visit to Puttaparthi ie. in 2009 (readers pls. remember this year. Something interesting is coming soon)

I was also strongly criticizing Baba. I was a step ahead than my friend. He became his devotee in the year 1998 itself. I never visited Baba though I studied at Anantapur. I was spending time with my friends in a room and enjoying holidays and evening in the hostel.

But what made me visit Puttaparthi in the year 2009 is quite interesting. I will come to you in my next post.

Till such time pls. bear with me….


November 4, 2016 at 6:29 pm

Very interesting to read. I’m not sure who this Baba person is but he sounds very important. How is your feet today? It is hard walking on them when the road is made from rocks and stones. Please, be careful with your feet.

November 4, 2016 at 11:22 pm

I have thoroughly searched natural philosophy as Agrippa, Alphis Lewis…and conclude that every Baba, priest, Guru, Pir, Wali….all use the power of soul and faith in God and nothing else. You may call it miracles of soul power and in all miracles there is nothing from God but God has put indomitable power in human soul,

It works via wisdom and reason both create faith in God and trust in God both are the root of miracles on earth through the power of human soul. Read old books, Jewish priests  has killed mother ( wisdom) and kept alive it son (Emotions)  so that they could the child according to situation that is why sections in religions are seen in every country of the world.

i know eight per cent natural philosophy secrets as to make ill someone make a cross on the entrance keeping in the mind the face of the person to whom you have made the cross with calk lime. When he will cross it or his feet will come on the cross he will ill soon.

All use natural philosophy tricks and call them miracles. Keep in mind miracles are for ignorant every event on earth has its and effect system. When some does not find the cause of any incident is called chance in modern language.

November 6, 2016 at 6:50 am

Satya Sai Baba is also known by the BHAGWAN (GOD) by his devotees. He was actually born in a village near Puttaparthi. His original name was ‘Satyanarayana’. He attained enlightenment when he was only 9 years old and seeking permission from his mother he left the house Started meditation.

He preached what he practiced. His preached about the love of humanity devotion, perseverance trust, and faith. His preachings revolve around internationalism. VASUDAIVA KUTUMBAKAM  (Family of World) was the essence of his preachings. There are many international organizations established in his name and active support. MANY world leaders and head of the countries have become his devotees. He blessed many international figures.

Keeping all these things aside one of the striking aspects of the teachings of  this great Baba is his principle of  ‘SERVICE TO HUMANITY IS SERVICE TO GOD’.

Accordingly, he established many hospitals in and around Puttaparthi. He established a Cancer Hospital for the poor in Puttaparthi where the patients will be treated free of cost. This is a super specialty hospital. Another hospital has been established where patients will be treated round the clock free of cost. The District was totally a drought prone district devoid of any water facility and irrigation facility. Even the hostels were closed during summer and the students in the universities were asked to leave the hostels due to the scarcity of water.

He got constructed an irrigation and water canal which solved the water problem of Anantapur District once and for all. Now, this is  really a district having good irrigation and water facilities.

Though he showed  many miracles he was saying “all these tricks and miracles are meant for uneducated and common people only to woo them to the path of divinity and devotion to God’.


There are many rest houses meant for devotees coming from different countries like Russia Japan Hong Kong Malaysia Singapore, Italy Spain, France, South Africa, Canada, China, Thailand, Rome, Philippines, etc.

This is one of the must-to-visit-places for a foreign Tourist.