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March 2, 2017 at 12:12 pm

Pardon my title, but I am currently listening to Les Brown and I can’t help but feel inspired. I love how he put things in perspective and rebuke his listeners about how they are living.

There’s this quote he mentioned and it goes “Many of a flower blown incessantly and many die with cold air” or something like that.But it only means that many of us are born without knowing what our purpose is. I guess he’s right.

March 2, 2017 at 12:53 pm

I think sometimes not finding a purpose is the best way of living life. By finding purpose we unnecessarily burden our life with overthinking. I have seen people with family where they are living paycheck months, but happy with their life even in days when they lose jobs. I know some people who are single with money, but not happy in their life.

Problem with purpose, happiness and goal setting is that if pushed too much, these things start to eat their way inwards and make us unhappy. One can be happy even in failure compared to others. And one can be unhappy having money, succeeds and everything. That’s how life works. It’s about being in moment sometimes. Because moment once taken from us is not coming back. So that’s something we all have to watch out for.

Sense of purpose adds burden on life. And we don’t know if that is actually the life.

March 2, 2017 at 1:00 pm

Nice quotes. And it’s true, that many times in our life we tend to forget what is our purpose in this world. Me? I have a lot of purpose in mind why I am living in this world, but I am going to point out the two top purpose of my existence.

First, I am created by God to worship Him, to glorify Him, and to testify how GREAT He is.

Secondly, I am here in this world to experience the beauty of Gods creations. I am here to experience the feeling of having a family and to appreciate the feeling of being loved and to love.

I know that everything around us has its particular purpose. We only have to think and realize what is it.


March 2, 2017 at 10:37 pm

I don’t lke to live life thinking that a need a purpose. I just want to fullfil myself the way i can when i can. People aren’t born in the world to have one single purpose. If we did then we wouldn’t be able to choose our path in life.

We make our our purpose when we decide what we what to be and how we want to live our own life.