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February 27, 2017 at 10:06 pm

Well that’s what the University of Exton, University of Queensland researchers tell us. In a world where stress is becoming common among all the people. We are all finding ways to de-stress ourselves and who knows seeing birds could be among the best solution. Unfortunately i cannot use that solution since there are barely any birds to watch near my apartments. There are only crows here and i don’t think seeing crows will decrease stress, instead it would make me more mad. Lolz

April 6, 2017 at 2:13 pm

ah..ah…ah..Really!!yes. Some people feel bad and hate to see them. But, they are highly valued at the time of cremation of a dead body. People search for them and pray for them..they wait for their blessings. yes. It happens.

April 6, 2017 at 4:27 pm

For some they don’t want to see a crow but for me I really love to see one personally because there aren’t any here in our city, all you can see are little birds that chirps and that can’t even help me decrease stress instead I just looked at it.

April 6, 2017 at 4:55 pm

I think taking photograph of the birds is a good hobby. And then taking those images and selling images can be hobby that pays out. I have seen many people doing that. And in the process I think this can get the stress out for sure. I am not sure if this type of the stuff works out for all people. But I am guessing those who are doing this must be off stress these days. It sure be one of the hobby that does pay out good.

April 6, 2017 at 6:43 pm

@Ahamed Husain , hahahahaha , lols, me too never like to watch crows disgusting to my eyes.I like cute birds dancing, chirping tweeting in front of me,I surely like to howl though I am not a lion lol.But if there are no other birds, I better be friendly to them, feed them and tame them so that they can sing me a madrigal, lol. They may also like to stay inside my room and spread their wings and scatter their dungs hehehe. I am just happy tonight.Thanks.

April 6, 2017 at 7:25 pm

@redspdranger yes I agree, that stress in becoming more common among all people. Now, because of it, I have some health problems.
I develop allergies. On something. Test do not share what it is a problem, but there is some.
I know that spending some quality time in nature and on fresh air can solve problems fast, but I am not sure if only watching birds can be a solution for stress management.
I am more fond of animals with hair like cats and dogs. I can pet them and it always feels nice. Children also like pets, so it is a plus.
Crow is also an animal, they nest, have eggs and have offspring. To observe any animal in nature I think to have the same affect of stress relief then.
The crows sound terrible but they are very nice parents. It takes a lot effort to feed ever hungry little chicks crow’s offspring are. They grow fast and they are always hungry.

April 12, 2017 at 6:53 pm

As stress is becoming a common issue in everyone’s life people are often looking for various activities that will somehow reduce it. I love birds and watching them is indeed a de-stressing activity. I mean you can feel very calm and listening to the chirping and songs of the birds will mesmerize you and sometimes you will just forget yourself. I have experienced this in my home.

We have a big neem tree in front of our house and every morning I can see some birds chirping and starting your day with that will make you feel happy and excited. Even though there are a lot of crows around my area feeling, I tend to listen to the birds chirping wantedly.

Also, I have love birds in my home, so whenever I feel low I just come out and watch the birds play and sing is one of my most favorite activities to lift up my spirits. I will automatically feel better after a few minutes of watching them play. Indeed bird watching is an awesome destresser.

April 13, 2017 at 6:15 pm

It does destress me and it should for everyone actually. In my country we have national parks where you will find sanctuaries that hold all sorts of animals. And they are located in different towns where people can take time out to go and just relax. Have a weekend away to get away from all the town hassles. I know for a fact that watching birds is such a relaxing moment. You can never go wrong. I don’t know if you have ever taken a walk on a quiet beach in the evening probably around 6pm, i can assure you that you will not want to leave that beach for anything. Just watching th3 birds fly over the ocean and walk around the sandy beach, as you watch the sun set before you, wow what a lovely sight to behold . So i agree that it is indeed a stress reliever.