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May 16, 2016 at 12:20 pm

@peachpurple Good that your old friend has become calm and peaceful. I have two friends who have been practicing Buddhism for many years and meditation too, but I do not know exactly how they practiced, they were still bad temper. Some said, their temper were even worse before they practice, so perhaps meditation and practice might still be good for them.

Same here, I have two young children. When they are around, if I meditate, they might just meditate together with me for awhile, then my little girl would sit on my laps. But, I still sit for another one or two minutes, sometimes they follow too. I think it might be good for the children just sit quietly for one or two minutes, not really meditate, but it helps to quiet their inner self too.

I usually wake up much earlier than my children, so I use the time to really meditate while they are sleeping. Sometimes I “meditate” for one or two minute together with them before we go to bed, after we do some yoga. After they fall asleep, if I am still not sleepy yet, I might meditate for awhile more.

If there are ambient noise, I think you can also put on your earphones to listen to those guided meditation or meditation music, perhaps it’ll help to get rid of the noise while you are still enjoy the peace.

Sometimes when I really need some time to meditate, especially getting upset with my children, I’d ask them to leave me alone and let me meditate, then they will have a joyful mom after some time. They understand and usually will not disturb me, who wants an angry and fierce mom? 😀

@grecy095 I remember the master I attended the meditation class last time said, if we are sleepy, and meditation puts us to sleep, that means we are very tired, then just go and sleep. Your dog is cute! 😀

@swalia Yes, that’s what I learned from the class and from other masters as well and it really helped me as well. I always thought I need to be thoughtless and that’s why I always thought I couldn’t meditate.

May 16, 2016 at 3:51 pm

@Lee Ka  It’s really good that you encourage your children to meditate with you. I used to do the same when my son was young. I also made my son do some of the courses for children by Art of Living Foundation where he learnt meditation and Sudarshan Kriya. He doesn’t meditate regularly but once in a while as he is nowadays too busy with his studies.

May 16, 2016 at 4:07 pm

@peachpurple  I get up at 5 am nowadays and finish my chanting and meditation before others in my family get up. I used to face the same problems you have mentioned especially the noise used to be a big botheration for me. I used to use earphones and do guided meditations which helped in keeping external noises at bay to some extent. With time and practice, the noises stopped to be a botheration and I was able to meditate among external noises too. However I have now found the perfect solution: waking up early and do my spiritual practices early in the morning when it’s so quiet and peaceful.

May 18, 2016 at 9:26 pm

@kaka135 so that’s explain why yoga and meditation puts us to sleep, it means we are very tired.

@swalia really, you do chanting too? what do you chant sis?

I remember a friend that is meditating in the middle of the grass field. I failed to join here because I am afraid my white rubber shoes will get dirt because I expect that there are muddy parts in the rice field for sure. She was there meditating and one of my friends started screaming “snake” because the the high grasses were moving. But there was no snake but a boar pig. She was chased by the boar pig and the meditation was such an epic fail.

She still meditate after. No boar pig will able to ruin that, as she told us. She medidate on the grass field but on lower ones.

May 18, 2016 at 9:31 pm

@peachpurple that is my dog, my son Gelo. He is always there for me, good or bad times. Even sometimes when I am irritated I shoved him away, he will never leave my site. He is always curious too and loves to help me. For sure you able to know him when I shared him on Blogjob most of the time. I am glad I made you laugh sissy.

@swalia embrace the environment, for sure that is not literally means embracing everything from bed to chairs, tables, dog, wall and parents?

Seriously, how to do that? I am not sure if I understand the explanation up there, but I wish to understand, it is making me more curious to try it. I hope you get back to me and guide me all the way. Maybe I could use that if my dog is already asleep.


May 19, 2016 at 4:25 am

@grecy095 If I am not mistaken, yoga and meditation helps us sleep better because we are totally relaxed and stress free after doing those.

I visited a Buddhist temple last two months, and there was a big hall. Many visitors were there chatting and it was quite noisy as there was no event going on. There were places to sit down and I just sat and meditated for awhile. I found out I could really meditate with those ambient noise, as they really did not bother me at all. I did not sit down for long, because my children were beside me. I just realized that we can actually ignore those noises and not let them bother us. When we are in peace, all other external factors won’t be able to affect us.

Chasing by a boar pig is really not fun. Glad that your friend was not disturbed, but still continued to meditate. 🙂

@swalia One of my ex-colleagues who is a Buddhist also wakes up 5am every morning, does her meditation and chanting, then only she goes to work.

May 19, 2016 at 6:33 pm

@kaka135 I always remember the fang of that boar, that was really sharp. I am glad she able to escape that. I want to learn to ignore the ambient noise. At work, we have an activities like that, meditation and yoga are included, good news! It is an activity after work. I failed to enter myself on the lists because it was full, but for sure next time I will be on the next class. I really want to learn how to do it.

May 20, 2016 at 11:32 am

 @Grecy Garcia  At first I thought that the boar story was a figment of your imagination. It was really hilarious.

Now how do I explain how to embrace the environment? I wish I could make you sit in my class while I conduct a guided meditation. You could have a practical experience of what does it exactly mean.

Anyways since that’s not possible, you can visit where some guided meditations are available for free. You can try them or may be I can mail you a few.

June 19, 2016 at 9:22 pm

I wanted to meditate. The problem is, I don’t know how. The usual thing I do is be in my room and let the place at peaceful as possible and close my eyes.

June 24, 2016 at 5:11 pm

@Shavkat<span style=”color: #505050; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.4px; text-align: center;”>  You can use guided meditations which are available online or you can download some app on your mobile. Try satva app., it has some beautiful guided meditations which are great for the beginners.</span>

June 24, 2016 at 6:03 pm

I don’t know if I have done a meditation for I don’t know the process of doing it. But for me, I pray everyday. It is already my habit to pray as far as I am concerned. I did it for almost 36 years now since I know the truth sometime in April 1980. I feel good. Most of my prayers have been answered. I feel the great importance of prayer. It has made my life, my work, my family, and everything pleasing to the Lord which in turn I receive innumerable blessings. God is good. God is listening. God knows what I need. God lives I know it.

September 18, 2016 at 11:52 am

yes. I do meditation just for 15 minutes. Not more than that. It improves the mental activity and keeps my memory sharp. As you sad it is a good and great tool to overcome the  stress and strain